The Word of God about the coming with Enoch and El The Word of God about the coming with Enoch and El | Page 7

Enoch and Elijah with the separation of the good from the evil, and He wants to take you out of the storm and out of the earthquake and fire, and He wants to set you on His right and not on His left, as all His work is called His glory, as it is written: «Praise the Lord, you stars and light; praise the Lord, you fire and hail!». Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1993. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive) *** Take care, sons, of the word that I am giving to you today, lest the prophet Elijah comes to strike you for all your hidden uncleanness, for Elijah comes after Me, well sons. Take care not to conceal anything; neither money, nor possessions or lusts, and you should not conceal a worldly spirit in you either. Be in the open, do not hide from God as Cain did, who wanted to hide from the work of his hands. Come completely to Me, without hiding anything, without any concealing. Let your coat, My people and son, not have two sides, that is, one for Me and one for you, because if you do this, you only fool yourself. Do not be like a dirty carpet, which you turn upside down when you know that you will have a guest, for the smell under it will give you away. You will not shine from the inside, for the brightness inside of you will work inside of you and not outside of you when it is. I will shine with you over the multitudes both inside and outside of you, but if you keep Me outside, then you have two sides; you have a coat with two sides, sons. Let your coat have the same face on both sides so that you may not be fooled when everything will be brought into the open. Rain is not made because of the knowledge of the man of science; rather it comes at My command. It knows its boundary even from its creation, for the water has its laws from God upon it. Where did the rain come from, in the time of the great Elijah? It was made by Elijah’s prayer, for it had listened to its borders thorough the prayer of My great priest Elijah, and after that he released it on the earth by the sacrifice of his prayer, too. A servant of God, a prophet of God has great pain among people, because people have been used to forget the Lord by earthly and fleshly affairs, but a servant of the heaven has a great pain because of the men’s wandering away from the ways of the heaven. Elijah was work- ing with great power and mercy. Elijah was not cruel if he punished the lying man; He was full of pain because of the lie and fought to destroy the lie and its body. However, today, well sons, no one stands against lie anymore, against the lying science, which comes from man, from the man who poses as God, from the man of the science of this age. Elijah brought the people, by the power of his sacrifice, by his prayer and by his steadfast faith, under the power of the faithful God, that which God put upon him. When he threw his mantle upon Elisha to set him as a prophet in his place, Elisha submitted and left his ploughshare in the furrow and went to be Elijah’s disciple. However, even more he put fire to his plough and his oxen and went to be God’s servant, because what Elijah did, it was done, and Elisha remained the worker with the power of Elijah, which was the power of God upon the faithful one. Such a zeal I require from you, well Israel of today, for today Elijah is turning you with your face to the beginning and he is turning the beginning with its face towards you, because he is not coming to strike you. He is very much against Baal, and he is against your idol too, not against you, sons. However, if your body is an idol, then come out of this lie and be careful, for Elijah, My servant, has mercy on you, My child from the end of the time of the man’s age; he has mercy to turn you to God’s law, in which death has no more place, sons. Let him no longer find you an idol, but let him find you a ministering Christian of God instead, for the Father is careful to add to you everything you need. 7