The Word of God about the change of feasts - the d The Word of God about the change of feasts - the d | Page 8

The change of feasts - the denial ( apostasy ) of faith
And again I say to you : wake up and walk and watch before Me , as I am in you with My coming , and I from you I am preached all over the earth and to all the people on it ; I am preached from you for My coming . Amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people , from 28-11-1997 ***
My people , My people , I , the Lord , come again to you and I set down as word in you . I come , son , to you to measure your creature . Amen . I work over you with a threefold blessing , in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . Amen .
The saints want to compare with you , and you should not let Me down , son , as the saints of My heaven have great honor for you , for they see , who you are ; they see My work with you , My people . The saints look at My word with you , and they feed on My word as you do , and the saints want you to hear and to understand My word by the ear of the spirit , as they do , not by the ear of the body . Everybody hears from God by the ear of the body , but the body is of no use to the spirit , and it stands against it , as it is written : « The Spirit lusts against the flesh , and the flesh against the Spirit ». The entire world is flesh and celebrates its feasts in the flesh , even if it , the world , makes use of My days of feasts . The world has turned My days of feast upside down , and I have no more joy from the joys of the world , as the joys of the world are for the world , not for Me and not for My saints .
My Romanian people celebrates the feast of My birth among the people today , and the heaven celebrates the hierarch Spyridon , for this celebration is also held in heaven today . Everything is upside down on the earth , and I went as word among the great people of the Romanian people , and among those , who call themselves the church of the Romanian people , and I told them to set down with the heavenly ones , and to put back to their place , those that were changed from their place , as the saints of My heaven , always , always ask Me : « Lord , until when ?»
It is not the celebration of My birth today , and the world celebrates itself and not Me . The world rejoices without Me , as this is how the world got used to do . But you , My people , are not from the world , as I am also not from the world . I , son , do not have room with those of Mine in the world , as you also do not have any room in it . The world rejoices and you cry with Me of My mourning and of My saints ’, but My day is coming when the world will cry for its morning , and you will rejoice with My joy , as this is written in the Scripture . I travail again for the world , as you also do , but after this birth , we will forget about pains for joy , that the world that was not born from above , was born from heaven now . It is written that he , who is not born from above , cannot be of the heavenly kingdom on the earth , and behold , the world is the king on the earth , and it would like to be in heaven likewise , but the heaven is that which is not seen , as the eyes of the body do not see the Lord and those from heaven of the Lord .
I come , My people , to measure your creature . I come to you on the earth with a bishop celebration . The bishop Spyridon ( Saint Spyridon , Bishop of Trimythous , r . n .) was a heavenly wonder on the earth . I had no one else like him among the bishops on the earth . This really was a man pleased to Me , a humble man like Me , and a gentle and humble man in his heart , a man who helped God on the salvation of the human kind . There are no longer such people like bishop Spyridon today . What shall I do with the bishops with a human school ? They cannot do what saint Spyridon did . Those of today are ashamed of the holiness . Those of today laugh at the holy one and consider him just one of them , as it happened with My bishop , whom I used for