The Word of God about the apocalyptic white horse The Word of God about the apocalyptic white horse | Page 5

The Apocalyptic White Horse
Who Was being born . The Child , hidden into the manger of the faithful hearts , Was being born again in the faithful ones . The antichrist was born at the same time with Me , for it is against Me that he always has something , and he discovered himself , as he has put his name next to Mine , against My name . ( See the selection topic : „ The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast 8 ”, r . n .)
Israel , My little people , you are My mystery ; you are My feast on the earth ; you are the white horse that My word sits on , as I also sit on cherubim . Oh , with whom shall I speak on the earth such a word , well Israel ? And behold , the man does not understand . The people have names of wise men , philosophers , poets , scientists , theologians . The people have names , and they do not understand My name . Those who gave themselves a name do not understand your mystery with Me , My mystery with you . The people are without mind ; they are without God in their living and in their mind . Give My grace to the people ; give My word to the people . Whether they want it or not , whether they believe it or not , this is God ’ s word on the earth . The sower seeds Himself to take root in the people , so that the man may have root in God . Amen .
I give My peace to the people who want My peace . And you , peace to you , sons of Israel ! Peace to you !
04-12-1996 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive ) ***
The word becomes news and story on the earth . The Sower sows His seed ; He sows the word , and the word becomes God on earth . The Lord comes down from heaven on the earth and He becomes word . The word comes on the clouds ; it comes on the clouds of glory . The Lord comes from heaven on the earth to be with the man , as it is not good for the man to be alone , but it is good for him to be with the Lord . The Sower sows the word . Let the sons of the garden hear My word . Amen .
Oh , sower sons , behold , I come . Remain to meet Me , as I come to feed the multitudes with bread . My word is bread ; it is manna from heaven , but the man does no longer know what bread is , to take and eat and to be alive as I am alive . I am He , Who is . Amen , amen , amen . « I am the Alpha and the Omega , Who is Who was and Who is to come . Blessed is he , who listens to My word , as the time is at hand . To the one who is thirsty I will give to drink from the spring of the water of life as gift , and I will be his God and he will be My son . I am the Alpha and the Omega , the First and the Last , the beginning and the end », as it is written into the Scriptures .
In the beginning was the word and in the end the word is again . I was the Word in the beginning , and I said : « Let there be light », and it was light , and I divided the light from the darkness , as darkness was on the surface of the deep , and My Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters . I am the Alpha and the Omega . As I worked in the beginning , so I work in the end . I was the Word in the beginning ; in the end I am also the Word and I say again : „ Let there be light !” Amen , amen , amen . Let the light be divided from the darkness , and the
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