The Word of God about His coming, as the lightning The Word of God about His coming, as the lightning | Page 6

As lightning that comes out from the east , so is the Lord ’ s coming
wilderness ; behold , He is into the rooms !” Not this way , but rather I cross the air like the lightning and proclaim the eternal Gospel to all the creature as it is written and cry : « Fear God and worship the One Who made the heaven and the earth !», for I come soon . ( See the selection topic : „ The false prophet and the ecumenism 5 ”, r . n .)
You , people of the church , who read the books of the holy fathers , look into them and see that they wrote what is today in your churches , and they also wrote about the one who stands for Me . The fathers wrote about the dark angels who pretend to be the angels of light . And who are these dark angels ? They are those who live in debaucheries and iniquities , hidden under the adornment of the holiness , ( Under the garment of a priest or of a shepherd , r . n .), standing against the truth , which is clean and which shows up the hidden iniquity . But My word came to judge those made in the darkness , and the angels of the light are those , who do My will among the people , and with whom I go from place to place to wake up and to harvest those that are Mine , and whose names are written from the foundation of the world into the Book of Life . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The true church 6 ”, r . n .)
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover , of the paralytic , from 18-05-1997 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , My disciples , rejoice in the word with those of this time ! Be My witnesses from heaven on the earth , as you are My witnesses . Amen .
− Lord , bless the entrance of Your saints . Bless us to come in . Amen , amen , amen .
− Amen , I say to you : always and now and forever and from everlasting to everlasting , My loved disciples . Amen .
− Oh , Lord , man of desires , Son of Your Father and ours , the Lord of our desires , we have sown much confession on the earth for You . But today You have testified Yourself even more wonderfully , even more fully , even more perfectly , as that what we , Your disciples , could not do and speak , You do , the One Who can and do everything , as this is what You said : « those who believe in Me will do greater things than these ». This is what You , Lord Word , said then .
We come with You , as disciples and Teacher ; we come to those who prepare Your and our way , the way of Your saints and angels , as the time has come to fulfill everything , Lord , for we have always asked you : « Until when , Lord ?»
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