The Word of God about His coming, as the lightning The Word of God about His coming, as the lightning | Page 3

As lightning that comes out from the east , so is the Lord ’ s coming
of My returning to the people and of which I took out a people to have it cleaned and placed before the voice of My word , which comes with the clouds . I am coming to you , little Israel , taken out of the Romanians to be My people . I come and become news over the earth , and I become news and story with you , My people . I become a new message and I have the saints and glory of the angels with Me , and My mysteries are great , and My word crosses the air like the lightning , which comes out in the east and goes down into the west . Peace to you , My people , for you have My word and you know My voice . Peace to you , and stay with Me watching , for many will come and they will come into My name and deceive many , and many will stumble and sell each other because the iniquity is great and because of this , God ’ s light is being put out , but those who are patient will overcome , for the Gospel of My new word and the message of My kingdom will be spread out and told all over the world as a testimony , and then I will come visibly and everything will be brought to an end , and then I will be , ( See the selection topic : „ The coming in a visible way 2 ”, r . n .) and many will flee to the mountains , for it is written : « My angels will gather those who are elected from one margin of the sky to another , in a sound of a trumpet , at the voice of My word », and there will be as in the time of Noah , for no one will know of that day . And it will be as then , for the people were eating and drinking and going to weddings and they had not known anything until the day of destruction .
… It is a celebration of saints in Israel on the earth . No one on the earth knows any longer to make a feast for the saints . The people speak about the days of the saints and they worship the idols on the days of the saints . ( See the selection topic : „ The change of feasts - the denial ( apostasy ) of faith 3 ”, r . n .) The people celebrate each other on the days of the saints , and they eat and drink and go to weddings as in the time of Noah , but My word comes over the earth and becomes message and it comes . As the lighting comes out in the east and goes to the west , the same way the Word of God announces itself .
And you , sons of My word , you should always be blessed by Me to be able to stand before Me and to take and give My word to the people for the resurrection of the faithful on the earth . My word is coming to produce faith on the earth and to find it at My coming , as I have found it in you , Israel , My faithful people , for it is written : « My Father loves the one who believes in Me and We will come to him and make a house with him and have supper with him and We will appear to him », for the Father is in Me and in My coming , and we will make the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , a blessed kingdom from age to age .
Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the saint martyr , Varvara , ( Barbara ), from 17-12-1996
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