As lightning that comes out from the east , so is the Lord ’ s coming
Oh , it is good that I , the Lord , have something to travel on the earth with to do My work . By My word I have always wanted to gather the man under My garment and to protect him . I worked My word through the prophets . And after that I , Myself , came down for man . Then I went to the Father again for man and I have come back again , and I , Myself , have been calling out to man by the word , not by the prophets . I call the man under My tent , and he hears but does not come . Man does not come to life , and I have to clean the earth from the wilderness on it to open the man ’ s eyes and to clear his ears , for soon , soon , the angels will dance and will sing with the saints of My coming and they will say : « Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord !» ( Matt : 23 / 39 ) Amen . Then the man will no longer have his will to be able to come to Me then . Then only My will be in heaven and on earth .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Basil the Great , from
14-01-2001 .
I , the Father , want to speak for one moment near You and near Your saints , who speak today to Your people from Your coming , Son , Who come coming .
I , the Father Sabaoth , the Almighty , the Creator of the heaven and the earth and of the things that are seen and of those that are not seen , confessed My Son at Jordan , and then I gave Him to the people , and He was the kingdom of the heavens , for all and everything live in Him . Amen .
I , the Father Sabaoth , speak for a moment and tell everyone who cover with the Scripture of My Son , who says through it that no one knows the day of the coming of My Son , neither the angels from heaven nor the Son , but only the Father . I , the Father , speak and tell them this way : if no one knows , neither the angels nor the Son of the Father , where do you know from not to wait for the coming of My Son and not to hear that He comes ? Did He say to you that He is not coming ? Did He say to you ? No , He did not tell you this . He told you to watch for His coming instead . And now I ask you : if you speak out this Scripture that even the Son does not know when He comes , have you listened to Him if He told you to watch for His coming ? Answer Me ! However you will answer when you do not expect of this , as it is written about those who do not watch for the coming of My Son , Who , here it is how He is coming for those who watch for the coming of the Bridegroom ! There He is ! This is He , and He is called the Word of God , as it is written in the book of the beloved John about the name of My Son in the end of the time , and to Whom those who receive Him as word upon them say : “ Bless is the One Who comes in the name of the Lord .” Amen .
I , the Father Sabaoth , speak after two thousand years from My confession for My Son at Jordan , I speak from the midst of My people of today , of Romanians , and I say : this is the coming of the Son of Man , the coming of the Bridegroom to His bride and as the lightning , which crosses with its light the sky from east to west in a twinkle of an eye , here is His coming with power and much glory becoming a river of word over the earth , the word of the eternal life , the river of life of which drink those that are thirsty after Him . This is the coming of My Son , the Son of the Man , the Word of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , Who puts the kingdom of Israel back into its place , the kingdom of God , the new man , the new heaven and the new earth , the new creation , the new birth of the world , which were made by the word in the beginning as in the end . Amen .