The Word of God about baptism The Word of God about baptism | Page 15

About baptism
again , after two thousand years : repent , repent , repent ! I have reminded you of the commandment given by God for the man to fulfill . I am calling you near the water of life , near the word of life and I am telling you : repent ! And again , I am telling you to love God with all His being in you , and love your neighbor as yourselves after You will have loved God loving yourselves like that ; like that and not without the love of God in you .
The wisdom of the word of the Lord mouth is a great river of life on the earth during these days when He has come back to the people to draw all to the Father . Come near , listen and fulfill in you the love of God . May all my feasts on earth among you be the feast of the Epiphany ! May they be feasts of repentance , from margins to margins ! This is what I , John , the baptizer of the Son of God , am asking you .
Oh , do not baptize into the water only your children and that is all . First , baptize yourselves in the baptism of repentance , and after that baptize your sons like that . Do not play hideand-seek with God , for what the Christianity of today has taken to do , that so called “ Christianity ,” has not taken from me but it has taken from itself . I have set the man to repent and then to be baptized with water to the forgiveness of the sins , then to learn from the Holy Spirit , and then to baptize his children taking care to give them to the Lord and not to the world . Woe to you if you still believe that you can deceive God by baptizing your children with the priests who heap up sins upon sins , and after that they become baptizers of infants without first being baptizers for those who are born babies bringing to them to baptize them . The baptism was not performed like that in my time , in the time of the disciple and apostles of the Lord , but all the house was baptized , from father to child , with the baptism of repentance by preaching , and from it , by faith , and then by the love of God and the love of one ’ s neighbor , until the feast of the Epiphany was crowned with the descending of the tongues of the Holy Spirit over those baptized and cleansed from sin by the repentance from their evil works .
Oh , until when , sons of men ? Oh , who bewitched you to submit to people and not to God ? Therefore bring forth fruit worthy of repentance , as here it is how the Son of God makes sons from those who are despised because of the haughtiness in the man who calls himself baptizer over the sons of men . I baptize you with the baptism of repentance , but near me is now He Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire . Amen , amen , amen .
And now , Lord , I want to take the little ones , Your people , and I want to speak with it in a special way , as You did when You spoke : with the Pharisees You spoke in one way , and with Your disciple You spoke in another special way . To those who asked me : « What then must we do ?», I was answering them to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance , and those who were my disciples I always taught them in a special way , as You worked , and I worked like You , to be in Your image and after Your likeness on the earth . Amen , amen , amen .
— Oh , how shall I not rejoice over your joy , My baptizer ! We have the path under our feet and We walk on it and embrace in a special way within the mystery of the word those who are My disciples on earth . You were a great mystery among people , as I spoke about you to those who were tempting Me by their mind and mouth , concerning you and Me . Let Us close the door after Us and let Us rejoice with the disciples that are sealed for the deep mysteries of My coming to man after two thousand years .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John , the Baptizer , from 25-01-
2003 . ***