The Word of God about baptism The Word of God about baptism | Page 10

About baptism
believe in the life to be , that one violates the commandments of this life , and he who believes works this life for himself . He who is baptized , he who is born by baptism , has to become a baby ; he needs to become a child after that , for this is the mystery of the baptism : that is , man to be a child who does no longer pass away and who inherits those coming from heaven in him , not those on the earth , but only the things that belong to the life that is to come . I became so little under the hand of My baptizer , who did not dare touch Me , for I was God of God , but I humbled Myself to exalt man to life , to the place that he has lost by his self-aggrandizement .
I want that man no longer die and I want to teach him what life is . I want man to take his garment from heaven , his house from heaven and to be My dwelling place , and I to appear with him in heaven and on earth . This is what I want . And you should also want this , little people who have come to grow . But , how comes this : how comes to come to grow ? You stay to grow only if you become a child , only if you stay like a child . Those who do not stay like a child get lost in themselves and do no longer receive growth and come out of the kingdom of the heavens ; they come out of their house and lose their salvation and those who do not longer stay as children do not want it anymore . I have come from heaven on earth to make the man a child , a child loving of comfort , loving of teaching and of its work , as this means comfort .
Oh , man can hardly understand the mysteries of life ! I have gathered you at the spring of the mysteries of life . I asked you to come to the spring , and you have come . ( See the selection topic : „ This word is the river of life 9 ”, r . n .) Moreover , I say this : blessed is the one who knows to come when I call him , for great is the mystery of the new man , built in Me to be . I want to build you as a new age in the way of My coming before all the human kind , a building as in heaven not as on earth . The life of the age to come is in heaven and no one can take it from the earth . Baptism is from heaven , faith is from heaven , and these cannot be received from the earth . And he who can receive these becomes a child and has got in him the face of the kingdom of heavens , the man ’ s spirit with a life giving spirit , for where there is no death , there it is the place of the kingdom of the heavens . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God 10 ”, r . n .)
My teaching is a spirit of comfort , but who is not a child does not need any comfort and he wears away his life in pleasures that bring along their bitterness . I want to draw the man to the spirit of comfort , to the spirit of My teaching . Behold , I become word over the earth to give Myself to man with the spirit of My comfort and the man to learn from Me and to come to comfort . Let man step aside from him and make room for Me in him , so that he may be after that . Amen .
The water of Jordan spoke with its Maker ; it stood on both sides of My body when I bowed under the hand of My confessor , John the Baptist . Everything I have made knows
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