The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt | Page 79

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
with My coming , and you are fearful and are afraid of the Master ’ s coming and you would like to delay the Master ’ s coming . But you could do nothing by lying and neither can you do now .
Seven years ago , I stuck My cross of victory into your midst . My cross of victory is the people of My word , under which I have been sheltering for forty years and more in order to raise it and make it perfect and fill it with the Holy Spirit , as I worked with My disciples from two thousand years ago until I made them distributors of the kingdom of heaven upon earth . Seven years ago , I wrote Myself with a new name upon the man ’ s age and I named Myself with My name written in the Scriptures for this time , as it is written : « His name is the Word of God ». Amen . Do not think that I have come towards you to break the law of the prophets . I have not come to break ; rather I have come to fulfill and that is why I remind you that two thousand years ago I told those who wanted to take after Me in ministering : « This way should your light shine before men so that the men may see your good deeds and follow the heavenly Father glorifying him ». Here is why those who do not have deeds to fit in with My life in man ; they cannot be distributors of heavenly teaching and , on the contrary , they are the ones who break the law and the prophets so that the man may lose its path , for each time the man was a path for the man . You are the wide gate and whoever wants may come in to you and sit at the table with you ; which one do you say that is My table ? But My gate and My way are narrow , for they lead to life , and few are those who find it . That is why I said two thousand years ago to the multitudes hungry of life : « Keep away from the false prophets who come to you dressed in sheep skins and under their skins are rapacious . You can know them by their fruits for the grapes are not gathered from thorns and neither the figs from bramble bushes , as each tree makes good fruit ; however , a bad tree makes bad fruit , and each tree that does not make good fruit is cut and thrown into the fire . That is why you will know them by their fruit ». And here is you fruit : you scattered away flock , a mixed flock like its shepherd , for the shepherd is the false prophet who I said about : « I never knew you ».
I called out to man and I sent My crying word all over the earth , for if man wanted to watch out , I would not be foolish Myself in you . I have always cried out to man ; I have been crying out to him for seven years ; I am crying out to you after two thousand years from My first preaching among people . I have no other way to speak to you . I have always called out to you to bend down to hear and you have not bent down yet . But now bend down as I bend you down to hear !
There have passed seven years since the sealing of the Holy of Holies when I come with the holy ones and with the saints for those that are holy , for the Holies are given to the saints . Amen . There are seven years since I wrote Myself upon the earth with My new name and with the name of God ’ s citadel , the New Jerusalem , which is coming down from heaven , from God , for it is written : « Here , God ’ s tabernacle is among people and will dwell with them and they will be His people and God Himself will be with them ». You have been striking for seven years all over to bring a blasphemy against My work , for you have many heads and a name of blasphemy on them . And after seven years you have changed your plan and wanted to believe in the mystery of New Jerusalem as it is written in the Scripture about it . You have said all over until now that the place of the New Jerusalem is in heaven , not on earth , and now you have risen with an earthly power to build a tower with many turrets , for you are the horn which comes out from other horns ; and over your daily sacrifice , you put the iniquity and you threw My truth down to the ground , and you said that you succeeded ; and on your tower with many turrets you wanted to write “ the New Jerusalem ”, for you changed your face , you said , and wanted to believe in My mystery of the New Jerusalem on earth . But you wrote on your heads names of blasphemy and let