The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt | Page 53

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
the kingdom of My word which runs upon you and out of you to the people . The kingdom of God from you will become an interpreter for you so that you may know its mysteries , as there is no one on earth to understand those that are true anymore . I want to prepare a place into the people with the kingdom of My word , which is the Spirit Comforter , the Spirit Teacher , the One Who draws to the Father all those the Father gives Me , so that I may enclose them in the mystery of the kingdom of heavens on earth . I want to make room into the people , but the antichrist , the man of lawlessness , stands against Me . Oh , well little children , those who do have the holy faith stand against Me , for the antichrist does no longer have his own place and name but only beside Me and in those that are settled by Me .
Oh , the people were afraid , the Christians were afraid of the communist man , for they said that he stood against God and against the believers among people , but this communist man , ( The read apocalyptic beast , r . n .), did not know those of Mine than only from the antichrist man who was next to Me and next to My holy ones , next to those settled for Me and for those with a holy faith . And behold , the communist man was the servant of the antichrist man who was standing next to Me in order to take My kingdom so that he may reign instead through the holy ones of Mine . The communist man could not be greater and worse with God than the antichrist man . The God ’ s enemy is the antichrist man , and then the communist man is . And behold , the communist one bows down to the mysteries of God which come from heaven to earth , but the antichrist man does not leave , and hardly let himself be broken down from his place beside Me , for he does not take care of My things , and even if he has , he cares only that My wealth may be his ; his and not Mine .
Oh , children of the holy faith , I want to win over My vineyard through you from the slavery of antichrist , for My vineyard is My vineyard and I am God . The antichrist does not want that I may be a free God . He thinks that I will always stand under him to work as he wants , but the mystery of My kingdom is boundless and unfathomable , and it is with its place in the sons of the holy faith . What good is it to Me a painted kingdom , over which it may stand written : the kingdom of God ? Oh , the kingdom of God is inside her children , it is not within the limits of the antichrist man . What is the antichrist man doing , sons ? He got up and took on My garment , ( Priest clothes , r . n .) settled in My house and turned it into a hiding for him and for the deeds of his transgressions and for his disciples who keep the world in slavery , for the antichrist man cannot bring any man into the kingdom of God . I told My disciples when I saw the antichrist settling over those made by Me ; I told them : « Do not be afraid of those who kill the body rather be afraid of those who kill the soul to throw it into the bottomless pit , to throw it in disbelief and in a state of not caring about the soul .» The same is today too ; man should not be afraid of the communist man , rather of the antichrist man who took My little house and My little coat and My path towards people .
Here sons , the path which leads the man to Me , turned into a human path , so that the man may know the path to those who took My vineyard , My house and board and My path to the people ; and people do not know the path to the kingdom of God anymore . No one teaches people the way of the kingdom of God anymore . It is a path to be traveled by food and by a body walk , for the kingdom of God is in man , and the man searches for it outside of himself , for this is what the antichrist man has been teaching him , struggling to keep in bondage his sons , and to enslave the sons of My kingdom , who knows from Me the place of My kingdom in man . No one can find the way to the kingdom heavens , for it cannot be found on earth . It is written : « The heaven is My