The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt | Page 27

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
themselves be swallowed of all that is in work today , and deceived the Lord as the bride is cheating the bridegroom , before the wedding and after the wedding , and so there is no more true and pure garment . So are the servants of the church today , those who hide the shame of treachery wrapping with the wedding garment , with the bride ’ s dress , and deceive a numerous people who is coming to the wedding . The same way , those hidden under the garment of the church , deceive the numerous people , and this way it has come to the time of the blind one who falls into a pit relying on a blind guide . And as the outer garment is hiding the filthy one , the same is with the work of the antichrist who included everything , who had touched and put a God ’ s teaching over his defilement , so that the deception may not be seen and to be able to lead astray from the way the one who walks with God , and so that this it may not be known that the spirit of the antichrist , with a hidden face , is alluring him . And behold he has trapped you as well within great temptations , and God is crying over you and is coming to remind you of those proclaimed to you ahead of time and is coming to tell you so that you may no longer fall into temptation , children of heavenly works .
… I have come from heaven with this work of word and I have brought together under My mantle the one with a poor spirit , the one with poor to increase with rank , the one with a pure heart , and I have been speaking to a small people in teaching , humble by heart , humbled by the stone of the time and estranged from the work of the antichrist , the one with a blind emptiness and out of the body . I have sought towards the one with a little spirit , towards the one who knows to let himself be small under the protecting hand of God , I have been speaking to the humble ones , who know how to receive from God , for here , the spirit of self-aggrandizement has cast out the wisdom from people , and it has remained over the people with a self-delusion spirit , and the bodily wisdom made itself master over the man and has filled the earth with bodies . And the evil spirit has come and found desolated homes and has entered and settled and worked with wisdom from hell , and the delusion from the end is greater than the one in all ages . And God is looking at you , people fed on heavenly manna and watered from the river of life ; He is looking and reaching his hand after you to select you and to know you and to bless you , and the work of the antichrist to reject you when he will work to put the awful seal over the whole body altogether . That is why I came and I called you and chose you , so that you may sit at the table with Me and to put the living sign on you , so that the power of the evil sign may be crashed through you .
… Oh , you hostile spirit , what you have done with your wicked expansion ! But what a crash I have been preparing for you , and what a victory will be coming down from heaven over you and over your servants , that have no rest until they fulfill your blind work ! Behold , the hour is coming , and it has already come , to put you down to earth and to unveil your despicable plan , that you have hidden and worked a false kingdom with . I am the One who did your first being , but you perked up over your Creator and fell to immorality . But here , those without God will not stand and the kingdom of God will be settled and I will redeem the creature .
… Israel , fed by God , you are My tool with which I will plough , harrow and sow again as in the beginning , and the Eden , holy , clean and imperishable , will be shown again . ( See the selection topic „ The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility 16 ”, r . n .) But be
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