The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt | Page 128

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
that you have and that you may not work from you but to receive from God , to have and to give further , and in this way you will be blessed . Oh , let the Lord be at your helm , for the waves are troubled and big and you cannot do it alone . Put your faith in the Lord , Who is coming and speaking to you , and do not rely on you . You do not have to run to the prophets to ask about the hard time . I , the Lord , come towards you , only that you may receive Me the way I come , sons , for I come with protection , only for you to understand this and to believe like that . The ship sheers on big waves , and the helm is threatened by the storm , and I stand and wait for you to call Me so that I may protect and save you .
Strengthen over the people on earth ; strengthen over the Romanian people the spirit of the Orthodoxy and ask the saints and the fathers to come and help your little boat on the waves , so that I may strengthen a living church on earth for Me , which is to have the saints as its fathers ! Oh , seek to work according to their customs and do not come out of the book , for the devil and the antichrist want to devour the whole flock and he expedites this work . Wake up to watch ! It is time to believe that there are not fairy tales those that the saints and the Scriptures foretold that would come to test the people . You have to listen now more than anytime , for I , the Lord and those who are Mine have to overcome , as it is written to overcome with them and for them .
I am coming to you and sitting in counsel with you . It is a time for fast and prayer . Come with days of fasting and calling to God with humble heart in order to destroy the development of the man of lawlessness , the antichrist , which tries to bring into submission the whole creature . God will ask you if you have watched and if you have overcome against the antichrist . Open the map , open the Scriptures for this time and let us fulfill them on behalf of God , for it is written that Christ will overcome with His faithful ones . Tell the evil to stop ! Learn what holiness is and share in its exhortation ! Watch , for you have established yourselves as watchmen , and if you have chosen this , and then see if you work according to this duty !
Oh , see that there are many shepherds among you , who sleep , and because of this , satan has a way to drive its stake . Come , sons , to work together closely , come ! It is My voice ; it is the voice of the Lord on the way with you . I have mercy on you , I have mercy on the flock and that is why I come down among you full of word , and I speak mysteriously , as I was speaking with man in paradise when he heard My voice walking , speaking , exhorting and asking and working , as well .
Oh , My coming as word to you is not a lie . Do not be afraid ! Do not try to say that this word is not I , the Lord . I do not come to ask from you or to punish you , but I rather come to forgive you and I come to teach you with God , for you have come out of being with Me , sons , and you try to work by yourselves , only you ; however , I can work with man otherwise , because I need faith from man , and by it I want to give him the spirit of revelation . Oh , do not leave off the spirit of revelation ! The saints and the fathers were not doing this way ! Seek to learn the work of the son , the work of obedience to God , sons ! I come on the earth as word . The Lord comes to you as the word and the bread of word . Listen to Him and eat from Him ; be nourished with God ’ s word and listen to Him ! Amen .
I , the Lord , stand into the midst of a tiny people , which has been prepared by Me during these days on the hearth of the Romanian people , of which I have come out to build the new Israel in order to replace the one which crucified Me and has been throwing Me away from