The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt | Page 48

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
Oh , blessed is the man who is denying of himself , for that one finds My peace , which is coming towards him . The one who is denying of himself , that one can love his neighbor who has , like him , the denial of oneself , who has God in oneself . The one who is denying of himself loves God and his neighbor , for it is no good for man to be alone . The man alone has his own will and listens to it , but the one who sits together with those that belong to Christ , that one seeks to please his neighbor in what is good . Only beside your neighbor you can break his heart , only then you can love God ’ s advice and your advice , for who advises with his own self , that one is a haughty man and names himself the antichrist for himself . The antichrist is the man who does not let Christ to live in him , to reign in him as a God from heaven . The antichrist is the one who calls himself a Christian in order to deceive Christ , as it is today in the churches from the world , as the Christians from the world go to church and live a worldly life on earth .
Oh , can you live in immorality and be a Christian ? Oh , this age is a big deception , sons , for those who name themselves of Jesus Christ are those who deceive the whole world , and because of them the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience . The sons of disobedience do no longer have shepherds do no longer have intercessors without sin among them , and the one who is sinning cannot help anyone . Why the thief got into heaven , really ? He entered because he was without sin , as after he was born again did not sin anymore , and he stayed hung on the cross until he arrived in heaven by cross , by bridge , sons . After he was born of Christ was working life without death , life without sin . He could not sin anymore for he was on the cross , and the cross makes you no longer sin . Who loves the cross does not sin for he has the cross upon him ; he has as a seal the mark of the Son of man .
Excerpt from the Word of God , on the sixth Sunday after Passover , of the blind man , from 01-06-1997 .
− Oh , Verginica , oh , Verginica , oh , Verginica , people wonder where My trumpets were . I took them all from the church and I put them to call upon the churches . And why over the church ? Oh , Verginica , antichrist is not in the world , but he is in the church ; he is near Me to fight against Me . Behold , Caesar , also called Herod , ( The communist dictatorship , r . n .), used the church servants ; he used those , who sold their sheep , ( The collaborators of the secret service of the dictatorship of the communist red beast , r . n .); they sold them to Caesar to be imprisoned and that the antichrist to get rid of My good sheep , so that he may rule in My church . And that is why I chose you from an ignoble birth , so that I may let down My richness for the sheep , for if I had gone to the people of the church again , they would have closed My word up , as they closed some of those that I choose from among them to sound the trumpet , as they also closed you , giving you over to Caesar to imprison you . Caesar did not understand what I was doing with you , but the people of the church knew the word of My judgment and they hid , as they were naked before Me . The people of the church were and are antichrists , who stand against My word , and they call Me a false prophet within this work of trumpeting . Caesars had their own mission and the people of the church , who wanted to get rid of the strong and healthy sheep , so that they might not believe and to take their place , went to Caesars and told them other things than those from Me by My vessels , as it was with you , Verginica . Now , Caesar became a believer ( After the anticommunist revolution in 1989 , when on December 25 , the dictator Ceauşescu was condemned and executed by shooting , r . n .), and he set himself in fear of God , and the people of the church have no longer got a prison for My sheep , and they try to hide from the sheep , for they are naked and are not