The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalypt | Page 32

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
end , he is foreign from the beginning , for the one in the end has not brought himself as a sacrifice with his body and has not known the one who is killing his spirit , the one who surrounded the fortress of his body . But look , I am in your midst and you do not know the time of your visitation , which is coming with Me to you , as I started to sound the trumpets ( The first apocalyptic trumpet : priest and prophet , Iosif Trifa , r . n .), at the same time with the releasing of the evil one , ( The year of 1921 : the foundation of the Communist Party in Romania , r . n .), and I have worked out My work , and I will overcome through it , for it is out of you , Romania , that I raised up an offspring and I sounded during all that red time and My Spirit was awoke in your midst . And the first church will be resurrected in you and it will be built again , for God is working and binding the end with the beginning , and the heavenly Jerusalem will be on earth . Oh , if I had not cut short the oppression of those days , ( The communist period , r . n .) not a single body would stand before Me , but as for the ones with a humble spirit , I will hide them from the face of the plagues , which are over the world to try on all who live on earth . And you Romania will reign for Me , and the unclean one will be taken out of you . Wake up so that you may hear My voice and to have dinner with you , for My Father is establishing in you a heavenly wedding and a pure church , and to each one it will be given according to his deed . Amen , amen , amen .
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the archangels Michael and Gabriel , from 21-11-1993 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
… Verily I speak that the earthly science is ready to be replaced by a heavenly science . It is ready that the dirty earth to be replaced by a clean earth . satan ’ s fall and his perishing with all that belongs to him is about to come .
Excerpt from the Word of God , from 10-04-1994 . ***
… Oh , Israel , do you take after the man who lengthens the sufferance , who lengthens the evil age , who does not want the Lord to come with his kingdom without age , without ending . Look , for if you put ten teachers to show you the way and the Scripture , they do not match each other . And how comes that ? And behold , the world does not wake up to see that the watchmen do not keep guard for the Lord but rather for themselves . Let the world not say that it is with Me , for it commits a greater sin if it says that . And I say again to you : it is one thing to say , a church with servants , and it is another thing to say , a church of Jesus Christ , with servants like Jesus Christ , like its teacher , Jesus Christ .
Excerpt from the Word of God , from 09-06-1994 . ( On Calameo ; on archive . org ; on files . fm ; on Google Drive )
Oh , Christian people , I , the Lord , have worked so that I may give freedom to your faith and I have helped you so that you may be with Me today , doing My will , for if I took Verginica to heaven , I have also prepared you further , so that I may reach with you the days of your victory , to remember your steps which have walked on the secrete little paths of this village , when you came to the spring of the heavenly word . Then you would come by stealth , ( In the time of the communist persecution , r . n .), and now you come singing , you and your sons , the loved people of God . You were sneaking stealthily to protect My vessel through which I was speaking with you , to protect My trumpet by which I was speaking My heavenly word to you , for the hunter of the antichrist was standing in the way to hand you over to the persecutor , to bring My