The wish centre the wish centre | Page 8

Primary Research

Aftrer recieveing my surveys back I have realised that little to no people are aware of The Wish Centre and what they do, They are also statistically unaware of the levels of abuse and self-harm per year and the importance of charities like The Wish Centre in trying to reduce that figure. The Wish Centre is one of many successful charities in this field, however people only become aware of it when they have to because eirther them or someone close to them requires the service. This is something that needs to be changed by raising awareness through fund raisers. Despite not knowing about the charity people still say that they would reccomend it to someone who needed help.

Typically if someone were to know about a close friend or family member suffering from abuse or self-harming they would only report it if the victim is comfortable with that. However, this is one of the main reasons why situations like this go un-reported and have the opportunity to get worse. Ususally if someone were to know about someone suffering from abuse they never come forward and confront the victim offering help because they feel out of place.

After reading about The Wish Centre people have said that they support its movements and find the ways in which they offer support for young people has been effectiove in helping them through the difficult times of their lives. However, raising awareness for the charity could be more effective dur to the fact that not many people knew about it before hand.