The Winchelsea Star 07-Nov-13 Vol36-Ed39 | Page 7

Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 The Winchelsea Star 7 Who, what, when, where Advertise your event in the Winchelsea Star who, what, where and when for FREE. Please be brief. The Editor’s decision whether to publish a who, what, where and when notice request is final. Old Time Dance Wurdale Hall, Wurdale Rd, Winchelsea Saturday Nov 9 2013, Dancing 8pm till 11.30pm . Music by Leigh Moneghetti Band. Admission $8, Under 16 Free Country Supper. Enquiries Ph 52480338 Save the date for St Thomas fete! Friday November 22nd from 5pm. BBQ, salads, Cakes, Pancakes, Dutch Auction, plants, preserves and jams, Devonshire Teas, Records stall, Competitions, Tin Can Alley, Jumping Castle, Face paining, “Throw a wet sponge at the Vicar” & more irresistible fun. Winchelsea Community Directory The new Winchelsea Community Directory has finally arrived and is now available for purchase. This must have booklet is just $2.00 per copy and is now available at various outlets around Winchelsea. Free Community Boxing for Fitness Starting on Wednesday the 9th of October at 5.30pm at the Winchelsea Footy Ground. Session will run for 45 minutes. Open to all age groups over the age of 15 and all fitness levels. Boxing is great exercise and these classes will be a lot of fun, so come along and give it a go. This will run every Wednesday night at 5.30pm till Xmas and depending on the interest we might start it up again next year after the school holidays. If you would like to know more information please contact Tracey on 0439351795 Helen Mary Kininmonth Pre-school AGM The AGM for HMK kindergarten will be held on Tuesday November 19th in the Uniting Church Hall, Hesse Street Winchelsea. People are encouraged to enter through the kindergarten doors at 7:00pm for a look around the kinder with the annual general meeting to begin in the Hall at 7:30pm. For more information please phone the centre on 52672061. Helen Mary Kininmonth Enrolments Enrolments remain open for both prekinder (3 yr old) and kinder (4 yr old) groups in 2014. Please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate to the centre at 32 Hesse Street, Winchelsea to complete your enrolment. Cricket Training, Juniors & Seniors Junior Training for U/11, U/13, U/15 and U/17’s at 4.45p.m. at Eastern Reserve. All enquiries contact James Stephenson 0409232926. Senior Training Tuesday and Thursday 5.00 pm at Eastern Reserve. All newcomers welcome. Winchelsea Hospital Ladies Auxiliary. A general meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Monday, 11th November at 2pm in the meeting room at the community health centre. New members welcome. The Auxiliary members would like to thank the community for supporting their recent street stall and raffle which was very successful. Raffle winners were: 1st prize - 2 nights stay at Cape Otway L/House - Angie Mawson. 2nd Prize: Grocery Hamper - Marsha C/- H.R.H.S In Memoriam Rowe Graham (Rowey) 10/11/12: It has been 12 long months since you passed away. Your memory is the greatest treasure to have and to hold in my heart forever. Your loving wife June. Welcome Back Recently returned from Germany is Harry Smith where he attended the wedding of James Cromer who was his mate at Buckley primary school. James married a girl he met backpacking around Australia who he followed back to Germany where they plan to live. Katrina and Phil Cromer travelled to the wedding from Port Hedland and Harry reports that while Phil could not find his favourite XXXX