The Williamsonian Winter 2017 | Page 5

Phillips ’ 48 Receives Freedom Medal From Delaware County Veterans Memorial Assoc .
Career Fairs Continue Attracting Companies Eager To Hire Williamson Students !
Solar Panels Are Installed On Restall ’ s Roof

Phillips ’ 48 Receives Freedom Medal From Delaware County Veterans Memorial Assoc .

Richard “ Dick ” Phillips 4W8 received the Freedom Medal from the Delaware
Richard “ Dick ” Phillips 4W8
County Veterans Memorial Association at the 3rd Annual Freedom Medal Dinner on Nov . 17 , at the Springfield County Club .
Phillips received his medal from Bobby Rydell , legendary performer and Vietnam veteran , after being introduced by John McComb , commander of American Legion Post # 805 , and the showing of a short film of the highlights of Phillip ’ s life .
Sue Serio , Fox 29 weather anchor , emceed the event , with help from Guy Fizzano , DCVMA president and Army veteran , and Mario Civera , Delaware County Council chairman . Also in the audience were President Michael and Mary Nell Rounds .
Phillips said , “ I am deeply honored to receive this unexpected award . I thank the Delaware County Veterans Memorial Association and the many comrades
I was privileged to work with , primarily from the American Legion Post # 805 and the Honor Guard of the Marple- Newtown Combined Veterans Alliance . These are the veterans who have stood shoulder to shoulder with me through summer heat and winter cold performing military funeral services honoring our fallen comrades . I humbly salute you all .”
Phillips , who studied power plant technology at Williamson , was in the Navy Air Corps ’ active reserves from 1948-51 in a Hellcat Squadron . He enlisted in the Navy in 1951 and , after receiving top secret Q clearance , went to Sandia Base in Albuquerque , N . M ., as a mechanic on an atomic bomb assembly team . After completing an electronics technician ’ s course in Kessler AFB in Biloxi , Miss ., he returned to Sandia Base with the 4th Tactical Depot Squadron as an electronics technician for the bomb . He then went to the 2nd Tac . Depot Squadron at Langley AFB , where he was promoted to staff sergeant and worked on the electrical and electronics section of the bomb .
Since 1989 , he has been an active member of American Legion Post # 805 , serving two times as post commander , two times as Delaware County commander , and as 8th District deputy commander and sergeant at arms .
He is a charter member of the Marple- Newtown Combined Veterans Alliance honor guard , a group sanctioned by the Department of Defense as military funeral providers . The group performs at about 250-300 funerals each year . Phillips estimates he has participated in over 2,500 funerals .
In 2014 , he received the Alumni Association ’ s Alumnus of the Year Award .

Career Fairs Continue Attracting Companies Eager To Hire Williamson Students !

With many first-time vendors and many returnees , the fall Career Fair in the Restall Sports Center was a big success , said Margaret “ Weemie ” Kingham , placement director .
“ All in all , this Career Fair was fantastic ” said Kingham . “ We had 92 vendors , which is great for our fall Career Fair . All of our trades were equally represented . This event is all about choices , which is what I like to see . I want our seniors to be able to go after the job they want and not have to take a job that isn ’ t right for them just because that was all that was available .”
The energy level at the Career Fair was extremely high among the students and the vendors , she said . “ There was a din in the air because of the excitement . I think everyone was enjoying it very much .”
She said many interviews took place and many job offers were made . “ There is definitely a demand for Williamson graduates .”
There also was a very impressive number of graduates in attendance representing their companies . “ They were here because they are proud of their companies , proud of being Williamson graduates , and they enjoy meeting with the students . They have been telling their employers about Williamson and this gives them a chance to show them what it is actually like . In many cases , the attendance of a company at the fair was initiated by a graduate .”
New this year , each vendor received a flash drive containing the resume of every senior , and all the students received a booklet with information on each vendor , including which trades they were interested in , a brief description of the company , names of recruiters present at the fair , and contact information .
For the first time since the Career Fairs began several years ago , four levels of sponsorships were made available to recruiters . The levels ranged from Artisan at $ 150 to Chairman at $ 1,500 and provided benefits based on the needs of each company in attendance .
Michele Minicozzi , managing director of the Williamson Fund , said “ We designed our levels of sponsorship based on career fair models used by other colleges in an effort to ensure both recruiters and students the best experience possible . We offered various opportunities for sponsors to interact with students , including scheduled presentations to specific trades , one-onone interviews , and student-led campus tours , to name just a few .
“ We are grateful for the wonderful response we had to this first-time effort , especially our Chairman sponsors : Axalta Coating Systems , D . R . Horton Inc ., Shearon Environmental Design , Storm
Technologies , Inc ., and Timet .”
Chairman sponsorships include registration for both the fall and spring Career Fairs , a full-page advertisement in the Career Fair booklet , an opportunity to make a presentation to specified students in a particular trade , and an Assembly Hour presentation , among other perks .
The next Career Fair will be held Wednesday , Nov . 15 , from 8 a . m . to noon with presentations and interviews taking place from 1-3 p . m . For more information , to make a reservation , or to become a sponsor , visit www . williamson . edu / student-life / career-services / career-fairs / or contact Margaret Kingham at 610-566-1776 , ext . 247 , or mkingham @ williamson . edu .
Solar Panels Are Installed On Restall ’ s Roof
Williamson ’ s Career Fairs give students the opportunity to meet personally with representatives of dozens of companies in their field .
Power plant technology students helped install 372 solar panels on the roof of the Restall Sports Center recently . The panels generate 92 kW of power and will provide savings on Williamson ’ s fuel bills and give students an additional educational experience . The project was funded through a generous donation by Lee Rowan to the “ Building for the Future ” capital campaign . The solar panels were installed by TerraSol Energies , Inc ., of Glenn Mills .