is it really all about? What really
I recall only 10 months ago
when I left to travel to Bali, and
the freedom that I experienced
when I got there, because I was
really embracing and living a
simple life. Not wanting for much,
carrying a few clothes and some
personal items. I was living in a
room in which the door wouldn't
even close properly and yet I was
happy. Happy to be out of the rat
race of life! Food was cheap, the
weather was hot, the people, both
tourists and locals, expressed such
authentic gratitude and
appreciation it was as if my soul
over there was given a makeover
and told to just "live and be free".
And anyone I came into contact
with, that's exactly what we all
And yet, here I am 10 months
later all caught up in the rat race of
life once again. I've lived simple
and happy and although it may not
have been in this country why
can't I seem to do it as easy here in
So instead of making it about
the house, the car, and the clothes,
as I move forward into this next
chapter of my life, I am going to
choose to make it about the love I
have in and around my life.
Choose to be authentic with the all
the great people I have in my life
and then just focus on the value I
can bring to the world and all the
people I cross paths with. The size
of my house isn’t important or the
cost of the things in it. What
matters is how much love I have
around me; and that is totally free!
We really don't need much if
we dig deep and look at what
actually matters in our hearts and
by extension, to what truly makes
you happy and brings you joy.
So to answer my question
“what's it all about?”, I guess it's
about whatever you want it to be.
But most of all for me, it's about
being in love and being happy.
Anything and everything I can do,
or need to do, to keep being and
having those two things I will!