The Whole You Issue 4, December 2016 | Page 3

From the



Technical glitches and all, here we are in December already! Where has the year gone? Last time I looked, it was August and I was starting to dread the end of summer...

During this time of year it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I urge you to stop and take a moment to remember what this season is truly about and how you can reach out to help another - no matter how small it may seem. Paying for the coffee order behind you in the drive through; making a craft with your children one night, rather than watching TV; or even making a batch of cookies for a neighbour.

In this issue, you will find some holiday inspiration and tips to help you keep calm, relaxed, and truly enjoy the season. You will also find some tid bits on how to continue taking care of yourself during this season.

I personally would like to hibernate when the snow accumulates to the point of having to put the truck into four wheel drive, curl up with a mug of something hot and read a good book. If you are the same, check out the recipes in this issue to help you warm up after a long cold day.

Most importantly, I would like to extend a huge "Merry Christmas" from all of the contributors and I here at The Whole You. You have all made this an amazing first quarter for us, and the love we receive from those of you who read and share with us, is amazing!