Top WA group joins family
Top L-R : Alf Fandry | Licensee Stocker Preston , Jill Turton | Director & Licensee Stocker Preston , Dan White | Managing Director Ray White Group , Mark Whiteman | CEO Ray White WA , Mike Tucker | Principal Ray White South West Central , Louis De Chiera | Managing Director Stocker Preston , Mark Murray | Licensee Stocker Preston
Bottom L-R : Ken Preston | Director Stocker Preston , Brian White | Chairman Ray White Group , Peter De Chiera | Director Stocker Preston , Mary De Chiera | Director Stocker Preston
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Together with Louis and his leadership team , we will formulate a changeover plan to rebrand the business to Ray White Stocker Preston based on a timeframe that does not disrupt its current momentum .
“ Mike Tucker , of Ray White South West Central , will play an important role in the business , initially working with us to ensure the Stocker Preston team have a great experience joining our group , and then an ongoing role in maximising the value and impact of our " springboard " for every member ,” he said .
The Stocker Preston team was excited at the announcement , as managing Director Louis De Chiera said : “ We are excited by what Ray White brings to the table for all of our people , they ’ re a highly respected and without doubt the most successful real estate company in Australia . The additional ideas systems and technologies will help all of our people and strengthen our market share in the South West .”
“ The Stocker Preston team now gives all our members the benefit of their market leading presence and reputation in such an important market ,” he said .
“ We are humbled by the opportunity to be part of the next chapter of Stocker Preston , and will do everything we can to ensure the upwards trajectory of the business , and everyone in it , continues .”
South-west , Western Australia is a globally recognised tourist destination and wine-making region , with a strong and growing economy and population , and a very significant prestige real estate market .
Ray White Managing Director Dan White said this was a very significant addition to the group . “ One that we believe will add value to all members not just in Western Australia , but internationally ,” he said .