The White Mountain Rambler December 2013 | Page 4

There is no doubt that the people of Littleton know how to take care of each other in times of joy and in times of need.

Letter from the Editor

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” These words from the great Winston Churchhill are pinned to my office desk.  They reassure me when I hit an obstacle; they encourage me to remember there is always so much more I can do.

My short time with the Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce has taught me that very little can be accomplished alone. The Chamber itself would not be able to thrive without the generous support from not only business owners, but the greater Littleton population.  What has amazed me about our community is that, when something needs to be done, our citizens pull together to make it happen. From beautifying Main Street to celebrating

“Gladness”, to fundraising for our valuable charities, there is no doubt that the people of Littleton know how to take care of each other in times of joy and in times of need.  It is this sense of doing things together, in the workplace and in neighborhoods; in churches and in civic groups that helps to keep our community strong.  The goal I have for Littleton is to preserve that sense of community and to make it felt by every resident of our town, for it is this unity that gets important matters dealt with, as it has in the past and as it will into the future.

Lauren Anderson

Executive Director
Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce