The Westminster Kennel Club 2023 Dog Show Digital Program 2023 Digital Program | Page 25


The Bracco Italiano is an ancient pointing breed native to northern Italy . Their origins can be traced back to the 4th and 5th centuries BCE . The breed was well established by the Middle Ages and flourished during the Renaissance . They were used for hunting birds with nets ( called cane de rete ) and alongside falconers .
This breed was exported across the Old World and used as foundation stock for other breeds . Originally known in two varieties ( the orange and white Piedmontese Pointer and the brown and white Lombard Pointer ), the Bracco Italiano was unified to maintain genetic diversity in the early 1900s . They were introduced to the United States in the early 1990s and the Bracco Italiano Club of America was formed in 2007 .
They are large and powerful pointing dogs with aristocratic bearing . They weigh between 55 and 90 pounds . Their most notable features are a sculpted head with divergent facial planes , long ears , and a fast , extended trot . The Bracco Italiano is a versatile sporting dog that will hunt , point , and retrieve game . These are true hunting dogs and do best in families with an active , outdoor lifestyle .




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