The Westminster Kennel Club 2023 Dog Show Digital Program 2023 Digital Program | Page 39



MR . ANDREW DICKER of Berkshire , England , is immensely proud and honored to be invited to judge at the Masters Agility Championship at Westminster . His co-judge and good friend , Lori Sage , were the inaugural judges at the first Championship in 2014 . It was Carol , his wife , who initially got Andrew involved in agility in the late 1990s , and he joined her as a member of the Thames Dog Training Club . Mr . Dicker also started judging agility around that time . His current dogs , Joker , is a grade 7 ( this is the highest grade in the UK ), and Kwin , Joker ’ s son , is just starting out . He has been privileged to be a member of the UK Kennel Club since 2006 and has been Thames DTC ’ s Chairman since 2004 .
Mr . Dicker is a UK Championship judge and FCI judge . As well as in the US , he regularly judges in Norway , Italy , Holland , Jersey , and Spain and in Dubai and Singapore . He is thrilled to be judging The Masters Agility Championship again in the US and wishes the best of luck to all the competitors .
MS . LORI SAGE of Oregon City , Oregon , discovered agility in 1999 with her Pomeranian , Buddy . Lori enjoyed the sport so much that she added a Shetland Sheepdog , Mikaela , to the pack . Lori and Mikaela had a long career with six agility championships and multiple Nationals appearances . Over the years with her various dogs — four Shelties , a chihuahua , and a Chinese Crested — Lori has garnered 12 Agility Championships and qualified for 15 trips to Nationals ( making the Finals three times ). Plus , she had a coveted Invitational showing in 2018 with her Chihuahua , Cameron . In 2008 , Lori attended the AKC Agility Judges ’ Seminar .
Now , when she isn ’ t running trials via K-9 Sports trial service or competing with her own dogs , Lori travels the country to judge AKC trials . One highlight was the honor of judging the 2016 AKC Invitational in Orlando , Florida . Ms . Sage was humbled when she received the invitation to judge the famous Westminster show again after having the honor of being the inaugural judge in 2014 with her AKC agility judging partner , Andrew Dicker .