Variety : A division of a breed based on coat , color , or size . For example , Poodles ( size : Standard , Miniature , Toy ), Cocker Spaniels ( Color : Black , Parti-Color , ASCOB ), and Collies ( coat : Rough , Smooth ).
Breeder : The owner of the dam ( mother ) when she was bred to produce this dog .
Breeder-Owner-Handler : An individual who bred , owns , and handles that dog .
Competition at The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show consists of three levels . At each level , each competitor is compared to that breed ’ s Standard . Judges select their winners based on how close , in their opinion , the dog meets this ideal as described in each breed ’ s written Standard .
At Westminster , the first level of competition is in the Best of Breed or Best of Variety competition . There , one judge officiates over an entry that consists of dogs of only one breed . The entry may be only one dog or more than fifty dogs . All Champions are entered in the Best of Breed Class . The Judge selects their winners ( BOB or BOV , BOS , SEL , and AOM ), and the BOB ( or BOV ) winner advances to the next level of competition , the Group .
Currently , 212 breeds and varieties are recognized by the American Kennel Club , which are divided into seven groups ( Sporting , Hound , Working , Terrier , Toy , Non-Sporting , and Herding ). The respective Group judge examines all the dogs and chooses four placements , first through fourth , with only the Group winner advancing . This process takes place in each of the respective Groups so that seven Group winners advance into the final round of the competition — Best in Show .
In the Best in Show competition , the judge will examine all seven finalists , first naming the Reserve Best in Show winner and then revealing their selection for the ultimate prize , Best in Show .
Owner-Handler : Someone who handles a dog that they also own .
Judge : Someone licensed by the American Kennel Club ( AKC ) to judge dogs .
Breeder-Judge : Someone licensed by the AKC to judge dogs of their breed .
All Rounder : An individual licensed by the AKC to judge every breed and variety , which numbers 212 .
Professional Handler : Someone who handles a dog for a fee .
Conformation : The structure and physical characteristics of a dog .
Stack : The pose itself in its natural stance or the posing of the dog by a handler .
Gait : The action of movement of the dog . Generally speaking , sound and balanced gait usually indicate proper conformation and structure .
Breed Type : The manifestation of those unique traits and characteristics of a dog that distinguish it as a particular breed .