Vehicle Parking in Montana
Only a person living in this small out-of-the-way would get a kick out of the fact that a visitor would parallel park on the main street of the town. All parking, with the exception of side streets, is angle parking. As a photographer I found it entertaining that no one parked beside them. This part of the block is seldom without vehicles since it is in front of a grocery store, but on this day the locals went out of their way to make the “tourist” feel at home. Photograph by S.F. Roberts
Early Stories of the Wild Horses in Western Montana
Taken from The Settlers & Sodbusters, a Bicentennial Project of the Hot Springs Historical Society, published in 1976.
The stories tell of how the hills would be moving with wild horses when settlers came to this part of western Montana in 1910. Plains, Montana was actually called, “Wild Horse Plains,” in the old days. Here are some stories of people and their horses. These stories are considered folklore because they were handed down and told by the people who witnessed them. Back then the horses were called cayuse. Albert "The Swede" Anderson homesteaded in 1910 on the Flathead Indian Reservation. The Swede was a delightful young bachelor with a strong Swedish accent he kept all his life and which was an amiable object of his friend's mimicry. The Swede owned a white horse that he thought the world of. The horse would kill every rattlesnake it came across, in his own words he'd say, "He wout stomp tem snakes to deat." Andy Carr came to Oliver Gulch in 1911 and stated that in 1926 the county commissioners were going to round up all the wild horses and sell all that weren't claimed. They were going to charge a $5.00 roundup fee to any body that came to claim his horse. So Alvin Olson, Granny, and one of the Cook boys and I rounded up the horses and saved everybody the roundup charge. We shipped the unclaimed ones for canners at Plains. Angus McDonald was the son of a Scotchman who started a Hudson Bay trading Post on Post Creek at the foot of the Mission Mountains. Angus had a ranch near N X\?YK[?[?K??H?\??]??]H????\?[?[????[?\??]HX????^Z?[??H?\?[??H?\???????\?[?Y????YH?H?\???[??X[\?[?H??[??K?^H??[???H?XYH?\???[H?^H???H^]??\??[??H\?[??H??HZ[\??]?]][??\?H[??YH??[????X?H??\?[?H?X?H?X???\??[???H?[??YH\??H?Y?\???X??\?YX[?H??\?]?\??\???[?Y?H\??H???[??\?HX[?H]?[H[Y\??\?H[?]?\?\?H?\?HH?]??YH??\??\?H????K?][?^\???H??XZ?\??H?[Z\?\?]?\?[???\?HH????\?\?^YYZ\??Y[????[???YH?X[?Y????X????????\?H?\\??[???\?\???K?[[??]?\?H]?[?[??\?H?\?Y[[??[?]Y?[??\?H????\??YY?]XX??\???H?\??YK?]\?[?H]?[?[???[??[??[??Z]\?]\?X???[?HX\???Z[?????HH?[???\?H]H[??H?[Y??]?H?[?[??\???Y?H?[[????HX\??\?[^H?X?Y?Y[??\Y?[Z[?[?[?H???H[??[??]?\?H?X?H??H?][^H?\???][??]X??]?[H[???[H?[??\?[???H^\???\??\?H[?H[\?[?[??]K?\??H[???????[Z[H?[YH?[Y\?X?H[?N
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