The Wellnes Seven Things You Should Know About Your Health | Page 13

There are so many variations, shades and colors in the health, some are genuine but faulty, some start out well but end up somewhere else, some give relief temporarily but cause horrible problems later. But there is definitely a method to wellness, life and health. Learn it well, better than all your secular school work, and this will prove an eternal blessing to many. Correct education removes ignorance and superstition. In this little booklet we will seek to take you from one level to the next without overwhelming you. Take as much as you can bear on a day to day basis or by a page by page basis. But be persevering and resolute to complete it so that you not only get all the facts, but to immediately put these truths into action to reap the benefits; and when you grasp it, please share it with your friends. Disease can be stopped or greatly limited in yourself and others with proper education and correct application. And when you share many will have an opportunity to enjoy freedom from disease on all levels. H