The Wellnes 7 things you should know about the Pope | Page 7
From the quote we can see that Pope Frances has been almost verbatim everything it
testifies to. He administers to the poor and sick and the like, but it warns underneath this
garb is deadly read again “ but under this blameless exterior the most criminal and deadly
purposes were often concealed. It was a fundamental principle of the order that the end
justifies the means.
And Pope Frances still has the same goal of the earlier Jesuits to stamp out Protestantism
and bring all the daughters back home to the mother church. But do not fall for this folks.
“The Jesuits alone rolled back the tide of Protestant advance when that half of Europe
which had not already shaken off its allegiance to the Papacy, was threatening to do
so, and the whole horrors of the counter-reformation are theirs singly."—Encyclopedia
Britannica, art., Jesuits, par. 11. {August 12, 1886 ATJ, SITI 487.9}
There are many more sad pages in the Jesuit history, from inquisitions to other evils too
dark to mention, but for one who will like to study more please read the entire great
Controversy it will tell the history of our Reformers and how they were opposed and
martyred by the Roman Catholic church for standing up for the Bible truth. There is much
information for the sincere seeker.