The Wellnes 7 things you should know about the Pope | Page 10

Pope Frances Agrees with the Change of the Sabbath to Sunday Fact 5: Changed the Sabbath The Pope had written about the change of the Sabbath to Sunday and upholds this as the authority or usurped authority of the church. We should prayerfully study the scriptures and ask God to reveal to us truth. Because Pope Frances uses scripture but the application is wrong and the conclusions are wrong to come to see or simply turn to Exodus 20:8-11. This is the first place where the Ten Commandments were written in full in the Bible. The sates very plainly and clearly that the 7th day of the week is the Sabbath. If you were do research on all the calendars, you will find the sequence of days never changed. But now you even have some calendars making Monday the first day, where Sunday will appear to be the 7th day, but do not fall for it. Many observe Sunday for the Resurrection, but God has given no such authority to worship on this day because of this. So who changed the day from Saturday to Sunday, what a trick of the enemy. And the Roman Catholic church boast of making this change. If you were to do a simple search on the internet on this topic, this information is readily available, Rome makes no effort to conceal this. It claims that Protestants are following what they changed so they are in a sense following Roman Catholic teachings. See quotes on next page.