The Well Magazine Spring 2013 | Page 34


A Healing Touch

“ Who touched me ?” Jesus asked . Luke 8:45

J esus healed many people during his time on earth in many different ways . Sometimes he spoke and they were healed . But many times he touched them or they reached out and touched him . In the gospels we find the story of a girl and a woman , both touched by Jesus . A woman who suffered a condition for 12 years , as many years as the girl had been alive . The girl was at the point of death when her father pleaded with Jesus to come to his house . The other had been dying a slow death for years , bleeding to death , and having to press through the crowd on the hope of healing . There is something very essential in touch for the human condition . If we are not touched , if we don ’ t have human contact , something in us shrivels up and dies . We cannot be healthy emotionally or physically without touch . Researchers have found that touch can help prevent and fight disease , reduce stress , boost immunity , encourage growth in babies and ease pain and depression . But just as there are positive and beneficial results of touch , there are negative touches . Some of us have had some negative touches in our lives . Some people and things have touched us who had no right to touch us . We have been touched by abuse — physical , sexual and verbal . There ’ s also been some things that we have initiated contact with . Some relationships we know we should not have been in . Some contact we should not have made that has contaminated us . Many of us are recovering from the things that have touched us , that have come in contact with us and brought depression , low self-esteem and devastation to our lives . Like the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus ’ daughter , we need a touch from Jesus . What happened when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus ? Virtue went out of Jesus . That word virtue means power . Her touch of faith released power — healing power . The woman reached out and touched the tassel at the end of his garment . The tassel was a reminder of the commandments , God ’ s Word . The power was not in the tassel , the hem of his garment . The power is in the Word . And the Word was God . The Word was walking . The Word was talking . The Word is Jesus . The power is in Jesus . Jesus didn ’ t let the woman fade away into the crowd . Because with your healing you have a responsibility to be a witness and give your testimony . In the presence of all the people she told why she had touched him and how she had been healed . Then he gave her a blessing . He said , “ Go in peace . Your faith has healed you .” After the woman with the issue of blood was healed , the news came that Jairus ’ daughter was dead . Jesus went to Jairus ’ house . When Jesus told them the little girl was not dead , but just asleep , they laughed . They knew the girl was dead . Some people might have said you were dead . They gave up hope for you . But you ’ re a living testimony . Jesus took the girl by the hand and told her to get up . Her spirit returned and she stood up . If you need healing today , reach out and touch the Word . Get to know Jesus . He is willing and able . Reach out in faith . The result will be a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and healing for your body and soul .

34 The Well Magazine / Spring 2013