The Well Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 | Page 24

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Ministry of Pain I met my husband at 16. We were high school sweethearts. We married at 20. We were truly best friends. We did everything together. Basically, we grew up together. We were both family oriented individuals and very traditional in our views on the roles for husband/father and wife/mother. We equally shared the parenting responsibilities yet, I instinctively took the primary role as nurturer. I enjoyed cooking for my family, keeping a clean home and ensuring my girls were well behaved. The additional challenge was that I allowed my husband to handle the finances and all the “business” of running the home. The only role I had to fulfill was “nurturing” the family. So, when he left, I was in a very unfamiliar position because, now in addition to being the “nurturer” I was forced to run the “business” of my home. Now, I have a learning curve on top of my emotional pain. The perfect recipe for a bitter woman. Yet, I was in control of my response. Would I become bitter or better? I distinctly recall this inward peace that screamed louder than my emotional pain. I sensed a “release” to thrive. And, instead of pulling away from the changes happening to me, I learned to lean into them and adjust to my new “unsolicited” life. Over the years I developed a love for being a mother. I even took in a few teens over the years along with my three daughters. I realized that nurturing and running a home was “my thing.” I loved it. Today my daughters are all college graduates thriving in their professions and life. They are all spirit-filled young ladies with solid foundations in Christ. I even wrote a book to women about my experience “Are You Comingling Kingdoms?” And, today I counsel and seek to assist young woman with turning their home into Empowerment Centers. What We Believe One God in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ’s deity, virgin birth, sinless humanity, sacrifice on the cross, atoning blood, bodily resurrection, ascension to heaven and return. The Bible is God’s infallible revelation to man. Salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, through Jesus Christ alone. The one true church, the body of Christ, consisting of all believers. At the Well and The Well Magazine are dedicated to encouraging, enlightening, edifying and inspiring others through the power of God’s Word and sharing our stories. Mission Statement Encourage Enlighten Edif y Inspire Vision Statement The horrible pain of a divorce exposed an innate passion that I did not realize that I had. No other circumstance could have created the same opportunity for this passion to be revealed. I am eternally grateful for the painful experience that trained me in the trenches. So, the next time pain knocks at your door, answer it and consider Romans 8:18: …that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed! Melanie Staggers is an ordained minister and the founder of Expressions of Grace, a non-profit ministry dedicated to strengthening the unity of families. She is known for her passionate teaching style on topics such as parenting, female accountability, health through God’s eyes and living an authentic and contemplative spiritual lifestyle. She is a natural health consultant and the author of Don’t run from emotional pain, Are You Co-Mingling Kingdoms? endure it. Get in the Word of God and, allow God to transform Blending the World’s Methods you through your painful experi- with God’s Standards. For more information about Melanie and her ence and launch you into your book, contact her at revstagnew possibilities. [email protected]. 24 The Well Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 Through the testimonies, stories and information provided on At the Well ( and The Well Magazine ( That God would be glorified That Jesus would be recognized as the Savior of the world That people would be edified, enlightened and encouraged through the testimonies of others who have overcome. That community would be inspired to live out its faith, using the experience, knowledge and wisdom provided to live abundantly personally and make a difference in their community and world.