How has your faith influenced your journey?
You better know that it was God that helped
me on this journey. You have to have faith and
believe in a higher power to fight off the devil
of food. I mean everywhere you go there is
some sale on foods that are killing us off
quickly. And we fall for it every time.
Don’t get me wrong there are times when I
enjoy some things that are not good for me
but that is not very often. When you know
better you do better. The easy way to think
about it for me now is that it is suicide.
Whether fast or slow, it is still suicide.
How has pain in your life helped you to
find and fulfill your purpose?
Knowing how it felt to be that kid that had
to deal with the other kids saying mean things
to and about me. It just makes me want to be
one that can help others that are or will have to
go through it to hopefully not have to endure
the pain. The truth is what I went through is
nothing compared to what the
kids of today are having to
deal with. It’s funny we never
really look at the things our
kids are having to deal with at
school because of the way we
let them eat and the things we
give them to save time . But
we are not saving their lives. We are more like shortening their
I went to a regional success training with the company I now
work with, Visalus. I was able to hear the stories of kids that
had went through being bullied and had to go through selfesteem issues for being overweight. The mission and the purpose for my life—my “Why”— became very clear as I cried
when they were telling their stories. They say your “Why” will
make you cry. Which hit me hard to because I have a young
one at home which is an even greater “Why” because I do not
want her to have to go through some of the things I had to go
What was the most difficult part of losing the
The most difficult part of losing weight is being
around people that are not on the same page as you
are on at all times. This is not something that most
people can stay with for a long time. In most cases
people will start on the right track and then jump off
shortly after they start. Believe me, I am not excluding myself for I have done the same many times. It
just was this last time I was not giving up because I
had too much to lose—my life.
What is the best advice you received on your
weight loss journey? What advice would you give
to someone starting their own journey to better
The best advise I received was to not to try to do it
all the time and that if you were going to be successful at this you were going to have to take time to have
a cheat meal and enjoy yourself. Now make sure you
are reading that right. I said a cheat meal, not a cheat
I would advise someone starting their own journey to
make sure that they are picking something that they
can stick with or be able to
transition into something that
will help them to maintain.
You have to have faith and
believe in a higher power to
fight off the devil of food.
Why is it important to reach
out to your community?
This i ́