The Well Magazine Fall/Winter 2013 | Page 18

little girl, and she didn’t have many memories of her father living Family also included close friends adopted as family. For those in the house with them when she was growing up. who knew her, if she ever called you her family, you were her She grew up in southern Georgia before the Civil Rights Movefamily and she treated you as such. She taught us to address those ment. Her home was a single-parent, female-headed household. she adopted as sisters and brothers as “Aunt” or “Uncle”, Her mom was educated and able to work selling insurance. She “brother” or “sister”. These relationships are still intact today. saw her dad and would stay with him in Florida when possible. They transcend blood, time, distance, and even death. Although her mother was a great mother, and managed to provide basic necessities, my mother said she still longed for her Home Base father’s presence. There were times she felt disconnected from Not only was I blessed to grow up with her as my mother, I family and wanted to know her heritage. also had the great pleasure of She didn’t like the broworking with her in her parken family. She said the enting programs for many reason she didn’t leave my years through the Dr. King father (yes, there were Adult Education Center and times when she wanted Kankakee Community College to) was because he was “a (KCC). One of Mom’s pracgood dad even when he tices was to involve her family wasn’t such a good husin many aspects of her work band.” She didn’t want with other families. We helped her children to experience sort clothes for needy families, the longing she’d felt delivered toys to families’ growing up without both homes at Christmas (with my parents. dad dressed as Santa), preShe loved her family pared and delivered food basand didn’t care how kets, cooked and fed f amilies someone was related. She in Kankakee County, and the claimed all her people. Dr. Marjorie Thompson, Rev. John Thompson and their grandchildren. near West Side of Chicago. I For instance, her mother’s felt privileged when KCC acfamily line descends from the Bell family. Mom would claim tually hired and paid me to do what Mom had me doing for free. everyone with the Bell name as a relative. We used to tease that In the summer of 1998 while watching a baseball game, Mom she was related to Illinois Bell, Taco Bell, Liberty Bell… had an idea. It was to use the game of baseball as a framework for She made it her business to know family heritage, then took it a family intervention program that wouldn’t make families feel upon herself to connect and educate other family members. I they were broken just because they were going through tough remember multiple generations of family members getting their times. My mother and I developed the SAFE at Home Base confamily schooling while sitting at her kitchen or dining room table. cept for family groups at our church, Greater Mt. Sinai Baptist She was always cooking and feeding family. It didn’t matter Church on the West Side of Chicago. whether family came to our house from out of town, or if we SAFE at Home Base is metaphorically based on a baseball conwent to theirs. She was always conducting family lessons around a cept to help families visualize themselves as a winning team in the table filled with something good to eat. game of life. The home team represents the family. The dugout The thing I remember most about these “lessons” was they represents the home and family life where members interact and almost always happened when that family member was seeking bond, develop individually and collectively, strategize, support, answers to solve something happening deep inside their souls. learn, recover, coach, and discipline. The baseball field represents They’d almost always be disgruntled with their life or family. the game of life. The baseball diamond in particular is presented Sometimes they were confused about their identity and life direcfrom the viewpoint that family life is a diamond worth fighting tion. She would tell them about their heritage. There was somefor, and a precious gift that all should cherish. thing powerfully transforming and settling about knowing who The bases represent family and individual functioning within they were and where they’d come from. I think it also helped that various life domains: first base represents relationships, commushe was there for them— listening and sharing family treasures nity and social systems; second base represents education and and skeletons. academia; third base represents work, career and economic sys18 The Well Magazine Fall/Winter 2013