Living Well
Family Transformation
How one woman’s personal transformation transformed her family
By Victoria Knox
or nearly two decades, Victoria Knox had a fastpaced career where nutrition and total wellness were
not priorities. While she excelled in business and
worked with some of the most powerful companies and brands
in the world, it did not compensate for health or personal fulfillment.
of relatives and friends. When my sons were small, I was cautious about their diets, breast feeding each one and giving them
the best start I knew. Over time, I noticed the decline in the
health of youth overall and it concerned me.
At one point, I was a volunteer peer counselor for a crisis
pregnancy center. Adolescent boys and girls walked in shaped
like adults but couldn’t think straight. Their hands, mouths
“I was tipping the scale at
and pockets busy with Flaming Hot Chips, Coke, candy
almost 200 pounds with
and variations of fake foods. Sometimes that’s all they
health challenges and
other issues kept comwould eat or drink for the day, yet they were pregnant and
ing. The physical weight
delivering premature, health challenged and still born baI carried was a symbol of
bies, or giving them up for adoption. It was disturbing.
the cares I carried every
My sons were misbehaving in school and
day. I wanted the person
their grades declined. They were impulsive
I felt like on the inside to
and lacked focus. I was at m H[