Life goes on. The sun will set and it will rise. If this is true, then why
does it feel like everything is ending? Hearts hurt and tears fall as I sit
in this class for the last time. The voice on the PA system calls the seniors to accept their fate. In groups of threes and fours, we walk towards the gym. Some of us chatter nervously while others let their silence say everything. Amidst a crowd of blue and white gowns, I walk
with my friends as we make our final trip around the school. The
other students and staff watch as we say our farewells. Occasionally,
people break from the crowd to embrace friends and siblings; however, smiles break out behind the tears as we remember something
very important. We will walk across the stage with heads held high
knowing that the past four years were not in vain and we have grown
so beautifully. We aren’t leaving anything behind, but inviting others
to join us. Even though we are leaving to go our own ways, and despite
the finality of today, this isn’t really goodbye. The world isn’t ending.
And as always, life goes on.
Ashley Derry
Photo by: Josephine Morenski