Devon Woody
Cecily: (sitting in a chair gazing at the setting sun. Anticipating her day to end. She can still feel
the tears dried to her cheek. She’s waiting for her phone to ring. All of a sudden, she hears the
door to her flat open. Standing in the doorway is Rilyn, the reason she has been sitting alone.)
Rilyn:(angrily) what do you want me to do, Cecily?
Cecily: (turns ferociously from the sunset to glare at Rilyn in the doorway) For God’s sake tell
me you care!
Rilyn: (silent. He is staring at Cecily as though she had mutated in front of him).
Cecily: (stands from her chair slowly approaching Rilyn. Her voice is aggravated, but not aggressive.) Tell me that no matter how many times you make me cry, you still want to be the one
to make me smile. Tell me that no matter how many days you go without talking to me, I am
your first and last thought of every day because that’s what you are to me. Tell me that for the
last year, I haven’t been throwing my heart at a brick wall. Tell me SOMETHING!
Rilyn: (bows his head when he sees Cecily’s eyes water. He always hated to see her cry even
though he knows he’s causing it.)
Cecily: (speechless for only a moment waiting for a response.) Will you say nothing to me?
Rilyn: (plays with the car keys that have been in his hands. He’s searching for the words in his
head like a needle in a hay stack, but nothing comes out.)
Cecily: (starts to walk away in a hopeless glide after staring at Rilyn for what felt like hours.)
Rilyn: (Leaps out to grab her wrist. He claims her attention and looks her in the eyes) I can’t
look at you knowing I’ve destroyed you yet again. I feel a failure. I’ve lost the girl I fell so madly in love with behind a mask of tears and petty bickering. I don’t know who we are anymore.
But I know who we were: we were one. When you walked, I followed in your shadow. But now,
I can’t find your shadow on the brightest of days. Where are you?
Cecily: (tears rolling down her cheeks softly, she can only stand in amazement hearing words
from a boy who was mute for so long.)
Rilyn: (softens his voice grabbing Cecily’s face gently.) You drive me crazy. You eat too much,
you’re messy, and you get mad over stupid things you know I do……. (pauses.)……. But I
have never loved anyone more than I love you. You are my every thought of every day. From
the moment I rise in the morning, until I hit the pillow at night. You haunt every dream I have. I
want to know how you feel every second of every day and what I can do to make it better even
if it’s already good. (sighs) Cecily, you are my one and only. I want to do amazing things together,