How Do Express Weddings Work?
Eros Island offers Express Weddings for those who want to bypass the planning of a big wedding and reception.
How do I apply for an Express Wedding? There is no application. Simply show up, during one of the Express Wedding times listed.
What is the cost of Express Wedding? A Express Wedding costs 120 Clams, paid directly to the Wedding Manager on site just before the ceremony is performed. In the case of a Double or Triple wedding etc., where it is more than one couple getting married at one time they must pay the 100 Clams per couple and 20 Clams per Certificate, to the Wedding Manager in order to get married, this is per couple, regardless of group.
What is included in the Express Wedding? Express Weddings include an Express Wedding Ceremony and a basic Eros Island Marriage Certificate. The ceremony will be simple, if you would like to write your own vows, or have a ring ceremony, please fill out a Wedding Application for a more lengthy wedding, at another time so your assigned Wedding Coordinator can give you a dream wedding.
Can anyone use the Express Wedding service? Yes, Express Weddings are open to all members of Eros Island who has the ability to transfer Clams to the Wedding Manager. This includes one VIP member and one Basic Member, the VIP member will be the one transferring the Clams to the JOP and/or if you are two Basic Members wanting to marry you will need a VIP Represenative there to transfer the Clams to the Wedding Manager. The Basic Member/s will have to pay the VIP Represenative back at a later date when they become VIP. This is done BEFORE the wedding can take place. **Note** We will not be held responsible for none payment of Clams back to the VIP Representative member.