The Wave Issue 84 | Page 22

22 New Brighton Photographic Club Meets first 3 Tuesdays of the month at Ascot Community Centre 12 Ascot Ave 7.30pm Competitions, workshops, guest speakers, field trips Come and join our friendly club Rondi 3880689 Carolyn 3824212 New Brighton Menz Shed If you are interested in joining or have a community project in mind, come along and talk to us any Tuesday and Wednesday 0830 - 1230 at St. Faith's Church, Hawke Street, New Brighton or contact: Secretary – Ray Hall, 388 7277, [email protected] Website: New Brighton Olympic Athletic Club New Brighton Pier and Foreshore Society We work together to promote and enhance pier and foreshore developments, representing and advocating for our local community on these issues and developments, fostering active partnership with local organisations and local government in relation to the management of these resources and in planning future promotion and development. Currently we’re focused on the Hot Salt Water Pools development and the Duke Festival of Surfing. We meet each month. For meeting times and further details please email [email protected] Foster track and field athletics for all people of the area. Track and field, road racing, harriers, club runs, walking, children's and veteran's sections. The Club, formed in 1928, has its own clubrooms, weight and gym facilities, 400m grass track, and provides coaching 351 Keyes Road Ann Henderson 387-0387 [email protected] New Brighton Sustainable Coastal Village Project The NBSCV Project is keen to establish a village in New Brighton based on co-housing and permaculture principles. Sustainability and regeneration of social, economic and ecological systems are at the forefront of our intention—021-209-8946 [email protected] NewBrightonCoastalVillage