The Wave Issue 73 | Page 3

3 by Peggy Butterfield Historical Happenings April 2017 Getting to New Brighton In 1872 a daily coach service from the city began, and in 1879 the coaches ran a twice daily service. The area proved so attractive that by 1887 a tramway was built with first horse -drawn, then steam and later electric trams serving the area. The horse-drawn trams covered the distance in forty five minutes, and the faster steam trams took twenty five minutes. The electric trams gave way to the bus. On the 18 th October 1952 the last tram was driven from Cathedral Square by the Mayor of Christchurch Robert Mafeking Macfarlane (1900-1981). It was decorated with streamers and placards and a pipe band played on top of the trailer. The tram stopped at the New Brighton Post Office at the same time as the first bus arrived from town. New Brighton crowds (pictured below) wanting to be part of this historic occasion. Older readers will recognise Doctor Maude Feary’s wooden home in the background The New Brighton Museum have canvases for sale showing the first bus arriving in New Brighton. The canvases come in 3 sizes and 3 scenes and make a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day, or birthdays. Call in and see any day from 1pm to 3pm. Corner of Hardy Street and Seaview Road, (next to the police station) We also have for sale a restored booklet “Bylaws of New Brighton Borough Council 1917” $5. Well worth a read to see how life has changed Movies for April are- 3rd The Public Enemy 1931 10 th The Seekers 1954 17th Doctor in Distress 1970, 1hr 42mins Dirk Bogarde, James Robertson Justice, Comedy 4th The Beachcomber 1954 1hr 22mins Robert Newton, Glynis Johns, Drama Romance 1hr 30 1hr 36min James Cagney, Jean Harlow, Gangster Jack Hawkins, Glynis Johns, British adventure