The Wave Issue 73 | Page 13

13 S OUTH B RIGHTON C HORAL S OCIETY Your community choir performing 3 concerts a year If you can hold a tune and enjoy singing come and join us, no auditions. Reading music is not necessary, but it helps We welcome new members, especially men Wednesdays 7.30 Ph Helen 388 5456 South Brighton Choral Society From February we will rehearse in St Faiths Church Hall in Hawke St while our present Hall is involved in a rebuild. Local Justices of the Peace Shirley Smith JP (Seaside Treasures) 15/117 Bowhill Rd—3884790—0220985877 Poto Williams MP 133 Brighton Mall—03) 382 0288 Mr PJ Hines JP 63 Tovey St—3889609—027 432 9311 Mr LF Avia JP 296C Pages Rd—382 6088 Mr A Lea JP 35A Falcon St—388 3254—027 294 7624 ANTIDOTE Vegetarian Cafe/Juice Bar Shop 6 Carnaby Lane Tuesday—Saturday 9am-4.30pm Antidote Juice Bar now has c o-working spaces available in the mezzanine floor above the cafe—$65 per week including fast internet and power. Email [email protected] for more details about the space.