Welcome back to the main building !
Library Activities
Welcome back to the main building !
We are pleased to announce that the temporary ‘ pop up ’ library in the New Brighton mall will be closing on January 30 th and we will be reopening in our old location on February 13 th . Keep an eye on christchurchcitylibraries . com for any updates or changes . We would like to thank the community for supporting the temporary library while our repairs have been taking place . The library hours will remain 9-6 Monday to Friday , and 10-4 in the weekends . We will return to stocking adult music CDs , ESOL items , jigsaw puzzles , Young Adult talking books , children ’ s posters and Stories to Go bags as well as our regular collections . There is an after-hours returns slot located in the Library foyer . We have free wifi , and free computers available to the public . We have our regular preschool programmes : Babytimes 0-2 yrs : 10.30 a . m . Wednesdays during term time . Storytimes 2-5 yrs : 10.30 a . m . Tuesdays during term time . Events for Adults : Technology Help Mondays and Fridays 11am-12 pm : These free drop-in sessions are available to help you get to grips with technology . Come along with your laptop , tablet ( iPad or Android ), cellphone or smartphone , or use one of our desktop computers . Ask questions and learn how to make technology work for you . Free CV Drop-in sessions : Thursdays 10-11.30am . Librarians will be available to offer basic assistance with creating , updating , editing and printing your CV . No booking required . Special Events : February 6 th we will be joining the I Love New Brighton festivities at Thompson Park with a special storytimes session and more ! February 25 – March 5 th we will be having a Sea Week with nautical themed storytimes and other ocean based activities .