Dogwatch Variety Shop
Healing Rooms at Grace Vineyard Church , New Brighton 10-11.30am 2nd & 4th Saturday of the Month Free , No charge . All Welcome
Local Justices of the Peace
Dogwatch Variety Shop
Our rescue work is partly funded by donated goods sold through our second hand variety shop Dogwatch is a totally self funded charity with money raised through grants , donations and legacies . Our second hand variety shop in New Brighton is also a major source of funding for our Adoption Centre . People donate second hand household goods , furniture , kitchenware , knick knacks , books and clothing to the shop . If you have something to donate , please contact Pat or pop along to the shop and grab yourself a bargain and support our rescued dogs !
Cnr Beresford & Hardy Streets New Brighton Hours : Mon- Fri 10am - 3pm Closed weekends and public holidays .
Contact : Pat ( 03 ) 383 4261 mobile 027 383 4261
Bus Detours
With road works constantly changing bus detours are a part of Eastside life . You can find information on detours at : http :// www . metroinfo . co . nz / timetables / pages / routechanges . aspx
Healing Rooms at Grace Vineyard Church , New Brighton 10-11.30am 2nd & 4th Saturday of the Month Free , No charge . All Welcome
Bumper stickers $ 2 each T-Shirts $ 25 each
Adults & Children ’ s sizes available Available from NBP office ( M-F 10am-2pm ) and Seaside Market ( Sat . 10am-2pm )
Local Justices of the Peace
Shirley Smith JP
15 / 117 Bowhill Rd — 3884790 — 0220985877 ( Seaside Treasures )
Mr PJ Hines JP
63 Tovey St — 3889609 — 027 432 9311
Mr LF Avia JP
296C Pages Rd — 382 6088
Mr A Lea JP
35A Falcon St — 388 3254 — 027 294 7624
Vegetarian Cafe / Juice Bar Shop 6 Carnaby Lane Tuesday — Saturday 9am-4.30pm
Antidote Juice Bar now has co-working spaces available in the mezzanine floor above the cafe —$ 65 per week including fast internet and power . Email leona @ antidote . org . nz for more details about the space .