Inventors , continued from p . 1
offices , an awning was extended over the sidewalk , and in moments Debbie and Bob were ready to talk sleep and sleep disorders , especially sleep apnea , with any interested passerby .
The bus itself is wrapped in a collage of iconic American images fancifully arranged . The U . S . Capitol , for example , is pictured in the embrace of the St . Louis Arch . Debby revealed , though , that the ornamentation painted by the Rutans ’
Rick Gordon graphic designer son Luke is both eyecatching and a protective device . The painting is executed on a sort of contact paper affixed with a peelable adhesive . When the Rutans complete their tour , the painted jacket will be pulled off , leaving the original paint job shiny new .
Rick Gordon , the eZe carry-on man , began his inventive quest in a maelstrom of frustration similar to the Rutans ’. A frequent air traveler , he discovered he was sick and tired of making his way through airport security lines juggling three bags , one for his PAP machine and its power cord and hose , one for his laptop , and one for his clothing . Why not , he wondered , one bag for all three , a bag carefully dimensioned to fit in an airplane overhead compartment yet organized so that the lap top and the PAP machine were quickly accessible for security inspection ?
Out of this description the eZe carry-on emerged , a tough black case replete with compartments and pockets that seemingly hold everything . Most modern PAP devices fit easily into the bag ’ s upper compartment . Smaller machines fit into the plastic insert box that ’ s supplied , larger machines slip into the well-padded compartment along with their cord and hose .
Upstairs , the PAP device .
The rest of the traveler ’ s gear is folded and packed away in the lower , larger compartment . In a method unusual with suitcases , this bag is packed as it stands on its end . Should you meet Gordon in person , he ’ s happy to show you how it ’ s done . You also can see him pack the bag in a video on his firm ’ s web site , www . ezeinnovations . com . First in , packed heel to toe , is a pair of shoes in a plastic bag . That ’ s followed by socks and underwear , a pair or two of slacks , folded in quarters , then shirts , similarly folded , and finally , other items . A 15-inch or smaller lap top slides into the pocket of the flap that closes the compartment along with a folder or two of business papers .
Gordon vends the carry-on case online for $ 189.60 plus $ 23.85 for ship-
A letter from Executive Director Edward Grandi
One of the delights of the ASAA ’ s CPAP Assistance Program is the gratitude with which patients respond after they receive their equipment . Many have sent us testimonies that using their donated devices has given them new , more hopeful lives .
Recently some of them , limited as they are by their difficult financial circumstances , have been scraping together $ 25 to become official members of the association . That move inevitably tightens their bond with us . The ASAA speaks for all sleep apnea patients , but it should be no surprise that the patients with whom we feel the closest bonds are those who engage us in continuing conversation , either directly or through the sleep apnea forum www . apneasupport . org , and who support our work
2 Fall 2012 financially in any amount .
Our larger donors also look to see evidence that we enjoy financial support from a broad array of patients . It ’ s not just the big gifts that make a difference .
All of which leads me up to asking each one of you who reads this column , and especially those of you who are sleep apnea patients : Are you a current member of the American Sleep Apnea Association ? We are your association and we need your help .
If you are not a member of the association , please consider joining now . There ’ s a convenient application form on the back page of this newsletter .
If you are already a member , please take note of the holiday season and consider making an extra gift in support of our work .
Making a gift either way will help to further our mission and for many of you will be deductible on your income tax return . The ASAA is a 501 ( c )( 3 ) nonprofit charity .
For those who have contributed at two , three , or more times the membership dues amount , thank you ! Having you stand with us in this way encourages us to continue spreading the word about sleep apnea and the serious health challenges it poses .
In this time of enormous change in the American health care system — how it ’ s paid for , how care is provided , what diseases get the most attention — sleep apnea patients have a high stake in remaining at the policy planning table . Through the ASAA you will be there . But your help is needed to keep the office lights on , the copying machine humming , and the telephone , e-mail , and internet lines open . I greatly appreciate your financial support in the form of membership dues or more .
— Edward Grandi