The VOICE of LMS Issue 9 • November 2017 | Page 7



of LMS

Homesteaders worked quickly to get everything done. They built houses, barns, and even corrals for animals. They plowed the fields with a hand plow that was pulled by oxen or horses. Most Homesteaders planted crops like rye, wheat, corn, and barley. They brought seeds in a large pouch including seeds from the food they ate. They later planted them when they got to the west.

Johnny cakes are sometimes called journey cakes because travelers took the cakes with them to eat on the way. Johnny cakes were very popular across the west. Travelers and settlers used corn to make the cakes because corn was easy to grow and Native Americans sold the corn to the travelers.

Pioneer housewives had a very hard life with no butcher, baker, or candle makers. Housewives had to prepare enormous meals, scale the fish and skin the game. Some cooks had their own garden that they tended to and planted. Also they milked the cow and skimmed the milk, and churned the milk to butter.

Every day water had to be brought into the house from the well to wash the dishes and food. Pots had to be scoured with sand, slicing, dicing, and beating had to be done with no mechanical aids. Even children had to help with the cooking. Housewives had a hard life, huh?

First Lego League

by George Galev

5th Grade

Lucy Eshbaugh

Victoria Palys

Leah Blank

Stella Buzby-Treasure

Braden Zhao

6th Grade

Will Katz

America Carmona

Joseph Gile

Jack Clary

Brenee Shiplee

Abigail Sun

Ava Kapuscinski


7th Grade

Mary Rainey-Secretary

Miles Sturges

Riley Leva

8th Grade

Cassidy Adams

Steven Miller

Clara Smyrski-President


Student Council

Pioneer Cookbook

by Olivia Cook - 5th grade

by Micah Hawxhurst - 5th grade Grade 8


7th Grade

Leah Anderson

Olivia Johns

Makayla Thornton

8th Grade

Logan Johns

Belle McClellan

Abigail Pauls

Paige Susco


7th Grade

Connor McKinney

Angelina Truong

William McGee

8th Grade

Ben Katz

Griffin Gamache-Vice President

Catherine Cole

The LEBTRONYX team had a gyro sensor malfunction from the get go, but still did well on the Robot Game and very well on presenting their Project and the Core Values.

The LUNABOTS team snatched the Robot Design Award and came first during the playoffs, defeating all 13


Thanks everyone for your

support and providing the

SAU facilities for us to meet

and learn through this

incredible program of

combining math, science,

engineering and programing

skills with project and

presentation skills.