The VOICE of LMS Issue 8 • June 2017 | Page 4



of LMS

I think that students should no longer be allowed to bring phones to school. People having phones at school irritates me and makes it so I really can’t talk to anyone after second bell.

I believe that students should no longer have phones at school because there really is no reason to have a phone. Some people argue that it would be useful in an emergency but that is just not true. I think that the absence of phones from school would create a more focused atmosphere at LMS, I think this because people not having phones in their lockers would mean people wouldn’t be thinking about their phone in their locker and what they potentially do with it after first bell. I feel that students do not need a phone because it is not necessary, in a family emergency a parent could call the school, and if you were in danger, an adult could call your parents. The final reason that no phones should be aloud at LMS is, it would eliminate the rule that you cannot use your phone in school, therefore abolishing all instances this rule is broken.

In conclusion I believe that phones owned by students should not be allowed on school property. This would boost focus among students, it is also not necessary for them to have phones, and slightly decreases the potential for breaking of rules.

No Phones

by Carson Jones - 6th Grade

By Elizabeth Kourbatski sit