Dorothy and Gerry on Roseberry Topping
of The Voice. Travelling abroad is
something that I have been thinking
about. I too would very much like a
copy of the letter to take on board
a plane to tell the crew that I am
a neck breather. Please could you
either let me have the address of
Sally Lane and Lesley Dempsey at
University Hospital Aintree, or pass
my details on to them.
I was also very interested in the
article on Sea Survival by Rob
Cornish - I would love to go
swimming again, but have felt that I
was not yet ready to try to tackle the
‘Larkel’. Are there any other methods
to enable us larys to go swimming
being developed ? Also I wonder if
any larys have ever gone swimming
in the sea with supervision?
Thank you and keep up the good
Dorothy Needham
We’ll make sure you get one of those letters, Dorothy.
And if anyone else wants one, just let us know…
As far as swimming in the sea, we have heard
from a few readers who’ve tried it unsupervised.
Not something we’d recommend. But have any
readers been swimming in the sea with appropriate
supervision? Please let us know…
Kapitex, the maker of Trachinaze, would like to
add this comment: “Although we have looked at
having an intermediate size, we have at this stage
decided against it. We feel that the two lengths of
Trachi Naze stud AND the use of a Kapigel spacer,
will accommodate the vast majority of users’
requirements. The use of the Kapi Gel spacers help
reduce the length of the stoma studs. We have two
thicknesses - 2mm (thin) and 4mm (thick). A popular
management aid…
Summer 2013 | THE VOICE