Andy Moir (left), Sarah Harris, Speech
Therapist (middle) and Phil Johnson (right)
The Group celebrated Mr Moir’s
retirement last February in fine
style with a celebratory farewell
meal. Just one of the special
events that members of the
Leicester Larys enjoy, in among
the Easter Egg hunts and meals
In fact, if you are thinking of
joining, do it sooner rather than
later. Give Val a call on 07805
433729 – and you might just be in
time to join them on their summer
Leicester Larys Celebration meal
Wednesday, 15th February 2011
marked a special day when the
‘Leicester Larys’ got together to
treat Mr Andy Moir to a farewell
meal on his retirement from leading
the Leicester Royal Infirmary’s Head
and Neck Cancer unit. He was the
kind of man would talk his patients
through any problems in a quiet,
confident no nonsense manner. Not
a man to mince his words but not a
man who’s words were to be taken
He knew each patient by name,
even though he hadn’t operated on
each and every one them. He will
be a mighty loss to the Leicester
Royal Infirmary ENT Head and Neck
Cancer unit but his memory will
last forever. The above photo is of
Andy Moir presenting a cheque for
£300 raised for the 20-20 Appeal,
with Speech Therapist, Sarah Harris,
in the middle. The fundraising
now has the full backing of Mr Tim
Diggle, UHL Head of Fundraising
and, of course, the ENT Consultant
Surgeons. If it can save one person
from losing their larynx then all the
effort will have been worth it.
Read more about the 20-20 Cancer
appeal on page 8. ?
Summer 2013 | THE VOICE