The new
ordering process
in five easy steps
homemade material ‘mushroom’
everywhere with him. Mum’s next
experimental discovery was that a
standard HME, usually worn with a
baseplate, also fits into the plastic
trachea tubes. So now Dad first
puts a Kapi-gel around the stoma.
(This is a jelly-like doughnut shape
which acts like a spacer). The
plastic trachea tube sits snugly
on top of this, held in place with
the Velcro neck band. Then Dad
simply fits a standard HME into the
end of the tube – and talks!
We wanted to share this idea as
perhaps other laryngectomees
find difficulties with adhesive
baseplates too. Hopefully some
readers might find this alternative
to be a solution. ?
Place your order
with Countrywide
Send your
prescription to us
or we will request it
from your GP and let
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