The Voice Issue 7, Summer 2013 | Page 16

With more people working from home – and more people wanting to work from home – this could be the right time for you to join in the home working revolution! For some larys and trachees, working from home is a natural next step. They relish the prospect of a complete change, both in terms of the job they do and how they do it. Others may be equally keen to return to their old jobs as quickly as possible. (But, as we’ll see, working from home can actually benefit them in the short term too.) So, if your thoughts have ever turned to working from home – whether on a self-employed basis or as a remote worker for your company – what do you need to know to get started? The basics First and foremost you’ve got to have somewhere suitable to work. The kitchen/dining table isn’t ideal but might do at a push. A much better bet is a converted spare room. It definitely helps if you’ve got a dedicated space so you can keep your personal and working lives separate. Don’t forget – yo \????[???X?B???[?H\???Y??X?H\????X?B??$?Y?\?[ [?H??&]?[?[?H^?\?\??????????B?[???YK]???[??\?X]?[B?\[?[??H??\]\?8?$?M?H??P?H?[[Y\? ? L???Y?\?X?H?H?][?\ ]?Y]B??\?][???\?[H[??Y????Y[[?K?Y?[?x?&\?H????X?K??[?x?&\?H??[????H??[???]?YY][???]Z]HH? H\???[??HH?[??X?H??X?K???Y??????[??X[?]]?\???\??]\?H[?H?[????H[?\???Y[??[????H[?\????\?Z? ??]8?&\?Y?[?][H??[??\?[??[????YH??Y?H??][????[?\???\]Z\?[Y[??[??[?\?H?\?B?\[?[???H?]\?H?[?\???\?[?\???]]?\?[?H\??]?B?H?\X?]H????YH\\??X??\??\?H\?H[?????\?????Y\?][??8?$?HYX?]Y?\?[?\???H[?H\?H\?Y?[?^H???Y[??[?\?\???[[??\?[?\???[??[?\??????YHXX?[?HZY?]?[???HH???[??\?Y[?Y?]???[?B?]?[???XY???H?]?[??]?\?H?\????[?\??X?[??[?\????[???X?H?]?Y???????\?Y\?[??\?[??\[??????H?X??]H?[?\?Z[?H[????\??Y\??[?]?]X?HXZ?HB?[?\??]Z\??\?????[[?B??X\?????\Y\????XZ?H?\?B?[?\??\?[???X]]?KX\?H??XY[??X\?H??]?Y?]K?Y?[?x?&\?H?][??][?\??[?XZ?H?\?H[?H?[??]?X??]?X\??[??[?H?[Z\?][??[??^H????\??H?X?]\?KX??B?[ [?H?[???]??X?YB??