The Voice Issue 7, Summer 2013 | Page 14

Laryngectomee profile: DAVE WILLIAMS Before he went in for his op, Dave Williams of Bristol didn’t know what to expect. He thinks most people would say the same – and it’s not a nice feeling. In his case, it all happened so quickly. “I saw the consultant on a Tuesday – after going to my GP with a sore throat on and off for eighteen months. The consultant took one look and said I needed to go into surgery that Friday!” He felt numb. “It just hits you, I can’t describe it. It feels like the end of the world.” Dave quickly decided against a course of radiotherapy – a decision he stands by. “I was told the odds of the radiotherapy working were 14 THE VOICE | Summer 2013 20 to 30%. The odds on the op working were 80%, so I went with the op.” He says it wasn’t that difficult a decision. “Lots of people are frightened of the op and then go through hours of unpleasant radiotherapy. One of my new friends here was in the same situation, except he chose radiotherapy. Unfortunately he still had to have the op. Most people do”. “I’m alive!” Of course there were times when Dave felt a bit ‘sorry for myself’ following the op, but the first thing he did when he came round