That was the second step. John’s
video was uploaded to Vimeo which
made it available to every school
in the country. Furthermore,
the ‘teachernet’ primary and
secondary schools magazine
has featured the video on their
Resources page – giving teachers
a handy link to what should prove
a very useful resource for years to
The video racked up plenty of hits.
When we last spoke to John it had
been viewed 350 times. So that’s
probably a thousand children who
are better off for having seen it.
John’s local MP is another staunch
supporter of the campaign and
is helping John to get as much
positive publicity as possible.
And if you know any parents or
teachers who might be interested,
you can do your bit by passing the
message on.
In the meantime, we’ll be sure
to let you know what happens
next, and we hope children keep
on listening. This campaign has
already helped a lot of would-be
smokers make the right decision,
and with any luck, they’re just the
tip of the iceberg. ?
12 THE VOICE | Summer 2013
From me, to you
Part two
By Mike Burton
Dedicated to my wife and children for all their
support, before, during and after my ordeal.
Four months after seeing my GP
about my throat problems, I was
referred to a specialist. By this
time, I was finding it increasingly
difficult to swallow food and had a
horrible cough that produced lots
of phlegm.
On the day of the appointment, we
were sweltering through a heatwave. Susie took me to the hospital
– to support me, and because I felt
I’d be a real danger to other road
users in my current state of mind.
Eventually we found a place to
park – a long way from the ‘pay
and display’ machine. I got out and
had a cigarette to calm my nerves.
I watched Susie walk off into the
distance to get the ticket. Not more
than a few minutes had passed
when two wardens approached.
“Is there a problem?” I enquired.
“There’s no ticket on this vehicle.”
“I’m not surprised, that’s my wife”
I said pointing into the distance.
“She’s gone to get one.” Stupid
person, I thought. It wasn’t rocket